Blade spike made out of crystal... dumb idea or cool idea?


Master Member
I have a set of the factory X blade spikes, and I was thinking it would be cool to make one in crystal. The fault in this argument is pretty much that I think everything should be made in crystal :lol

So... if you were going to make a crystal spike, would you make the body slightly faceted to catch light? Would you just leave it smooth? Frosted or some color like green (HAH) or black?

A few years ago I wanted to have one made out of brass (still do), and while I think it would be awesome, I can't find someone local to turn the piece. I started playing around with some ideas of redecorating the prop room, and thought "Hey! Crystal spikes! Awesome!".

So... good idea, dumb idea, smooth or faceted, etc? I have learned a long time ago that this is a great place to come for display and prop ideas, and how to stop a horrible idea before it starts sucking up time and money :lol

Not looking to start an interest thread or a fs thread here, just looking for opinions on what would look cool, or if this idea is just plain stupid.

True. I wasn't going for the vampire idea, just a neat "fantasy" idea of a weapon. Something that might not fit the general logic of where it originally came from, but still looks cool sitting on the shelf collecting dust, mocking me on a daily basis with fingerprints and the such :)

Still trying to get that damned ice bullet idea worked out!!! :angry

