Blade Runner PKD and Offworld repaint.


Sr Member
Compare between Offworld and PKD.

PKD is beefy, Offworld though having sharp detail is toylike and a bit flimsy feeling.

I wanted to do this one not so hard worn as the "Worldcon" version. More like "Holster wear". Gun was broken down into its constituant parts and repainted.
The upper and bolt were replaced, and the grip base is metal, the rest is un modified, just cleaned up resurfaced and painted.



Closeup of the Offworld upper and bolt.

PKD, Worldcon style without the rust.
It was resurfaced and re painted using alcad steel and transparent black shading and weathering, the black parts are satin black. No other extras were applied just cleanup and repaint.



I'm sure I probably forgot something, any questions just ask...There is a missing screw somwhere see if you can catch it. :D


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Re: PKD and Offworld repaint.

Matt, that is just beautiful! Once of these days I'll get myself a nice version blaster, you really did a fantastic job! Kudos.
Looks good! I just finished my Pkd, but it was a very bad casting! I believe the missing screw to be on the left side, on the ammo box, above the led.
Very nice paint on both accounts. Great assembly(what else could we expect?) on the PK-D.

I briefly had an Offworld. I hated that the Offworld rattled like a die cast car with loose door and hood parts and the grip is undersized for an adult hand...undersized to the point of being annoyingly uncomfortable.