Blade Runner 2049

Re: Blade Runner Sequel

I just honestly cannot see any way this movie is going to be any good. I just don't see how you can do a modern version of this and it work. Bladerunner, as great as it is, moves EXTREMELY slow, and even bombed at the box office. It's glory is in cult status and you just can't go into making a movie today for cult status. Everything that was great about the original will be lost in this new one, I predict.
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

I just honestly cannot see any way this movie is going to be any good. I just don't see how you can do a modern version of this and it work. Bladerunner, as great as it is, moves EXTREMELY slow, and even bombed at the box office. It's glory is in cult status and you just can't go into making a movie today for cult status. Everything that was great about the original will be lost in this new one, I predict.
I agree. It's hard for me to see it any other way. No major studio would support this project unless 1) it could be engineered to have mainstream appeal, 2.) be made for such a tiny budget that there's no way it'll lose money or 3.) the producers have a deep appreciation and reverence for the original film.

It's safe to say that the first option is the only plausible driving force. The Blade Runner title has enough resonance in popular culture to sell a film but the film is appreciated and enjoyed by a much smaller minority of the population. Which means it'll probably get the Total Recall/Robocop treatment.
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

I dunno... Even if it isn't tonally similar, it doesn't mean it won't be good. Aliens was completely different from Alien, and still it worked. Maybe the purists won't like it, but it doesn't automatically mean it'll be a bad movie.
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

I dunno... Even if it isn't tonally similar, it doesn't mean it won't be good. Aliens was completely different from Alien, and still it worked. Maybe the purists won't like it, but it doesn't automatically mean it'll be a bad movie.

Indeed. Another example The Terminator / Terminator 2:
Slasher horror with sci-fi elements / Action sci-fi
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

Terrible news about the construction crew. RIP chief.

And it's not guaranteed to be amazing, especially with such niche, unrealistically high standards, but have people actually seen Prisoners, Sicario, Enemy? The guy kind of specialises in slow burn, theme heavy films with a darker edge. I can't imagine there being a better situation to be even slightly hopeful in.

I think what bothers me the most, is that Ridley Scott is writing it. Now his reputation earns him way, way, way more kudos than I'll ever achieve in my lifetime, its just that I don't think he's ever been credited with writing a film - I'm sure he writes, and I'm sure he's had shedloads of input into his many projects over the years, so I'm not about to say he isn't experienced, of course. But this sounds like its going to be his first feature length script.
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

I see it being like Star Wars the more they make the worse they get, and slowly destroy my appreciation of the original.
I simply cannot see how anyone can follow on from the original.
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

Why would I give money to African country run by despots who are counting on International $$$ to line their pockets with and don't give a hoot about their own popula...Ooops, wrong thread:behave:rolleyes
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

Ok, I'll chime in here....;)

Ryan Gosling has done what exactly that would make him any good in anything?

As previously stated, how can you make a great film that has hero cult status, better or even close to being defining.

Hollywood have proven time and time again they suck at taking anything from the past and making it great....Robocop, Total Recall, Terminator Genesys etc etc...

Harrison Ford wants to star (again) in everything he didn't like doing because he's old and desperate.....really another pointless Indiana Jones film?

The most interesting thing is doesn't matter how sucky it is, has the worse reviews ever....we're all still going to see it.....and Hollywood wins:lol
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

Ok, I'll chime in here....;)

Ryan Gosling has done what exactly that would make him any good in anything?

As previously stated, how can you make a great film that has hero cult status, better or even close to being defining.

Hollywood have proven time and time again they suck at taking anything from the past and making it great....Robocop, Total Recall, Terminator Genesys etc etc...

Harrison Ford wants to star (again) in everything he didn't like doing because he's old and desperate.....really another pointless Indiana Jones film?

The most interesting thing is doesn't matter how sucky it is, has the worse reviews ever....we're all still going to see it.....and Hollywood wins:lol

I dunno, I may not see it, Deckard's story was finished. To tell more betrays the whole noir aspect and I don't know if I want it in my head.
Been bit too many times, Crystal Skull, Alien 3 as examples. Would rather I had no memory of them.
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

Gosling is a meh actor.
I did like him in The Big Short, but most everything else I've seen him in he seems pretty lifeless.
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

Ok, I'll chime in here....;)

Ryan Gosling has done what exactly that would make him any good in anything?

As previously stated, how can you make a great film that has hero cult status, better or even close to being defining.

Hollywood have proven time and time again they suck at taking anything from the past and making it great....Robocop, Total Recall, Terminator Genesys etc etc...

Harrison Ford wants to star (again) in everything he didn't like doing because he's old and desperate.....really another pointless Indiana Jones film?

The most interesting thing is doesn't matter how sucky it is, has the worse reviews ever....we're all still going to see it.....and Hollywood wins:lol

Harrison had a hard time with Ridley Scott although they have made up now,...both have mellowed....BUT Ford has never had more fun making movies than the Indiana Jones films, is possible that he only agreed to do TFA if Disney/LFL/Spielberg & Lucas green lit Indy 5

Re: Blade Runner Sequel

Harrison had a hard time with Ridley Scott although they have made up now,...both have mellowed....BUT Ford has never had more fun making movies than the Indiana Jones films, is possible that he only agreed to do TFA if Disney/LFL/Spielberg & Lucas green lit Indy 5


i can see that but i also think, he's personally wrapping up what he considers lose ends. closure for the characters he brought to life. definitely did it for star wars, and i know how close to his heart indy is..... though bladerunner's story was wrapped up, i felt like the story wasn't over at the end. knowing that other blade units would go after rebecca and he'd be there to protect her but the whole 'is deckard' a replicant was left open to interpretation (he is lol)
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

..... though bladerunner's story was wrapped up, i felt like the story wasn't over at the end. knowing that other blade units would go after rebecca and he'd be there to protect her but the whole 'is deckard' a replicant was left open to interpretation (he is lol)

There was no reason for other blade runners to go after Rachel. She wasn't dangerous.
The story was pretty much over when it was over - unless watching Deckard and Rachel play house until one of them keels over is your idea of entertainment.
(And no - he's not)
Re: Blade Runner Sequel

There was no reason for other blade runners to go after Rachel. She wasn't dangerous.
The story was pretty much over when it was over - unless watching Deckard and Rachel play house until one of them keels over is your idea of entertainment.
(And no - he's not)

doh! Rachel... my bad.

i thought the idea of Blade Runners was to hunt down those droids that went awol (out of contract) so to say... Roy and his crew not only went awol, they were killing humans on/off world.
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