Blade costume...

I wanted to get a blade vest started and its funny i seem to have the hardest part to start with. a few months ago a member here was very generous and lent me the mold and buckle from the Blade 2 movie... i however feel most compelled to make a vest similar to the the movie... prolly not spot on but it will be a test...
heres a few of the buckles cold cast and finished... they turned out really well, lighter than i wanted but i dont have a spin caster for metal... i am using earth magnets and washers to connect them, i did run into a bit of a problem with under cuts, the belt loops were so thin and small they wouldnt take a belt... ill attach them with little screws and super glue...



the buckles look awesome, but instead of painting the red parts i would try melting some red crayon in those crevices, i think that would look spot on
Hey IAL, would red enamel look better then red crayon? I ask because on a hot day the wax could get gooie and fell out.
Just a thought.
oh and they are looking great! :thumbsup