BJB TC-1630 gel coat. Strong?

Zombie Killer

Master Member
Anyone using BJB's TC-1630 gel coat? I have a gallon coming to use in my plasma rifle molds and was wondering if it had any strength. I was going to use it for the initial detail coat and then go over it with some epoxy and glass for strength but the epoxy is more $ than the gelcoat so i was wondering if the gel is strong enough to do the shell half with just it.

I 've used it for molds and casting.

It's tough stuff.

Cases for molds I've made with fiberglass and 1630 are flippin' bulletproof.

It's filled so it's heavy compared to most resins and should give a nice heft to a rifle replica.

Good luck!
According to the website, TC-1630 is a filled urethane resin not a gelcoat. You could just cast it by itself right?
Its' amazing stuff, and has super low shrinkage. I use it as a gelcoat all the time. In fact, it's mainly what I use as a gelcoat. For casting, it's a little too expensive, though you do get the benefit of it being super strong.

It also sets up a little different than typical casting resins. It sort of cures slowly over a period of about 15 minutes. It doesn't just all of a sudden kick. This is kinda cool as it gives you some working time. But can also be a drawback as you have to keep pusing it around in your mold if you're trying to do a thin coat up the walls.
Thanks guys, thats great. Looks like it will work out then. I can't wait to try it out on a few different things. It should be here soon.
Its my favorite material and sands like butter, very forgiving on ratio as well and a long shelf life, its also inexpensive. If you want it to set faster, heat it up. Ive had the stuff go off in a minute.