Big-ass Death Star


Sr Member
Anyone got a hi-res photo of the (Mk1) Death Star? I'd like to print out at a round 12" or so at 300dpi. :)
They weren't but thanks very much for taking the time. :)

Actually, what I'm after is an 'in-movie' shot if you catch my drift. I'll explain; my Star Destroyer is backed by a midnight blue roller blind. I want to add a DS to give the scene some depth and context. Any suggestions?

Again, thanks for your time. :)
Yeah I sort of had the feeling you needed more a screen cap. But fun pics anyway huh!?

There IS a good shot in both Sculpting A Galaxy (SAG), and The Star Wars Technical Journal. The shots are full-on shots of the model, still new, and lit, though not a screen-cap so to speak.

Problem would be scanning them. SAG is a very nice and expensive book, so it'd take great dexterity to scan (at least on my scanner) without damaging the book. The other image exists on a gatefold.


While I can't promise I'll scan them, I will promise to take a close look to see if it might be possible...
Yes, a bit too small. Images on the web (72dpi), will print approx 1/4 the size when at 300 dpi. So if it's 4 inches across on screen, it'll print roughly 1" at 300dpi. :)
Sent you a bigger, 300 dpi version of this... Sucks about the labels though. The image from SAG just ain't happenin'...

...and the results...

I don't have my good camera to hand so this is a bit shoddy - but you get the idea... I like to think it adds a bit of context to the display. :)

Thanks for all your help! :) :cool:thumbsup

...and the results...

I don't have my good camera to hand so this is a bit shoddy - but you get the idea... I like to think it adds a bit of context to the display. :)

Thanks for all your help! :) :cool:thumbsup


In all honesty, scanning that gatefold in the bok was a *****! And it was TOTALLY worth it! :cheers

That is AWESOME, and I'm glad to have helped out! (y)thumbsup:thumbsup