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***The Mods have been aware of this and gave me permission to post this info on this board.***

I'm sure a lot of you are aware that the lower harness buckle on the Rocketeer pack is one of the rarest pieces in the prop world. There are only a handful of them known and most are all screen used pieces. This is what I'm talking about:

Screen used ones have gone for upwards of $2400+. They VERY rarely come up for sale and are impossible to locate due the lack of available information on the Manufacturer, date and location of where it was made, and what it was used for. Some information has been found and released that it was made in Germany after WWII for aircraft harnesses.

***For those of you who don't want to read all the emails and PM's, I have a recap in the next post.***

Now onto my story.

Some of you know I have been working on a Rocketeer costume for the past couple of years, here is the thread I've been doing in the costume forum:

Mike S. aka Mr. Predicta here on this board and on others is known as a seller of Rocketeer Jackets and is involved with most of the main players in the Rocketeer community that own Screen Used Costumes and props from the film.

In Feb. Mike Scott aka Mr. Predicta had an ebay auction for a lower buckle,
No where in that auction did it state it is in FACT a REPLICA fan made buckle! I bid on it and lost.

On Feb 28th, Mike Scott (Mr. Predicta) PM'ed me here on the RPF asking if I want one, no mention of a replica:

I of course thinking he was being an awesome guy in the community for offering one to me, I naturally jumped at buying it, because who knew when I'd get another chance! I replied and said YES!

I get this reply that sounds like he's going to TRY and get another one from his source (who ends up being a friend that produced the replicas), sounds a bit difficult and not too sure if he can still get one! And offers it to me for $650 + s/h:

Another PM to tell me that Mike is still tying (from his friend that really produced them), no mention it's a replica.

And another PM! And he's got me! Hook, line and sinker! Now he claims to have gotten another one from his "source" and wants to email me. No mention of a replica.

Picture of the buckle he wants to send to me, no mention of a replica. *Looking at that picture now, I'm not sure it's same buckle he sent to me, it's missing the casting blob on the clasp part, there's a picture of mine further down with it circled. Yeah it has a recent date on the paper, but that just means he now had multiples, and he did mention getting "buckles" as in plural from his "source".

I reply back to mike (Mr. Predicta( asking if it's "new old stock" meaning original but never used. It looks to be in great shape!

Mike's (Mr. Predicta) reply, saying it looks to be in perfect working condition. No mention of it being a replica.

I sent my $650 + s/h off to him and within a few days in came in the mail. My email to Mike (Mr. Predicta)

Mike's (Mr. Predicta) reply. Again no mention of it being a replica. And doesn't know where they came from. (even though his "source" is in fact a friend who replicated them.)

Here is the buckle I received:

I posted this on my costume thread, because I was insanely happy to actually get my hands on one! Until, another board member, CirrusX1, posted that he thought the buckle I received was a Replica buckle and not a real one.

I email Clint (Acme studios) and Bob (Rocketbobs) to see if they can shed any light on this, I bought my Rocket kit from Clint (Acme Studios); and Bob (Rocketbobs) is another well known Rocketeer collector that was very helpful when I had questions, so I thought he might have some info too since his name was mentioned.

So I emailed Mike (Mr. Predicta) about it. Asking what he knew of replica buckles being made and if he had any info on what Cirrusx1 said.

Mike's (Mr. Predicta")s reply, READ THIS ONE REAL WELL AND REMEMBER WHAT HE SAYS! Mike claims not to know anyone that has produced replicas (Lie!) and that it's way too expensive to make them. I should be happy I have one and who cares where it came from... Still no mention it's a replica or that his "source" indeed spent the money and had them produced.

Ok, so Mike (Mr. Predicta) has officially said " far as he knows, no one has been able to replicate the buckle..." and doesn't think that his source has the money to make it happen. LIE!!!!!!!!!

Cirrusx1 PM's me after seeing my pictures, I underlined the important sentence, Cirrusx1 spots the tells and knows it's a replica.

Here Cirrusx1 mentions it might be from a casting he did awhile ago from an original buckle- more info will be shared further down:

My reply to Mike (Mr. Predicta), about Cirrusx1's PM's concerning Clint (Acme) making replicas.

Another PM from Cirrusx1, stating again that the buckle I bought from Mike (Mr. Predicta) is a replica.

Bob (Rocketbobs) emails me back and confirms replicas have indeed been made, but hasn't held one yet.

My Reply to Bob (Rocketbobs) trying to get more info on the replicas that were made.

On the Finhead Forum I get a PM from a member stating he purchased a buckle recently also, and it looks just like mine. His source ends up being John B. (who is linked to Clint and Bob supports that info).

Clint (ACME STUDIO) replied back, I edited out the amounts, since that's Clint's own business and I don't feel it's right to share. CLINT CONFIRMS MAKING METAL REPLICA BUCKLES, and CONFIRMS GIVING/SELLING SEVERAL TO MIKE SCOTT (MR. PREDICTA).

My reply to Clint (ACME STUDIO). to let him know that Mike (Mr. Predicta) sold a replica buckle to me without stating the fact, and has sold others the same way.

Clint's (ACME STUDIO) reply; At first I wasn't blaming Clint for Mike's actions, but in his reply he basically agreed with what Mike was doing and didn't seem like he thought anything was wrong. And that if they went ahead and sold the buckles openly and to the boards publicly for less money, which has already happened in a ebay offer, I'm out of luck, and $650. He did offer a refund, but that doesn't fix what Mike is and has done.

The member from the Finhead board looked at pictures of my buckle and the one he has that he bought from John B., who claimed to have found a box of 3 buckles in a hardware store (happens to be a friend of Clint), matched both of ours up. They share several differences that the real ones don't seem to have: the amount of surface texture, lack of boldness in the Tree stamp- ours looks to be cast in, instead of stamped in like a real one and the 2 missing holes on the side of the rectangle box.

My buckle also has a casting "blob", which I've circled.

Another PM from the above Finhead board member, he asked to keep his name out. He feels his buckle matches up with mine and that the buckle he bought from John B. (friend of Clint) is a replica and did not come from the box of originals that John B. claims to have found in a hardware store and was lead to believe where his buckle came from.

Another PM from same the Finhead board member about his thoughts on the replica buckles and John B connection with Clint (Acme).

One more from the same member of the Finhead forum, telling me he will be sending me an email that has Mike (Mr. Predicta) saying he's replicated the buckles. *I haven't gotten this email yet, I will post this once I get it.*

Mike (Mr Predicta) has another ebay auction that ended the other day. STILL NO MENTION OF IT BEING A REPLICA!

Some one that knows about what I've be dealing with, contacted Mike (Mr. Preditca) about the ebay auction:


I boxed in Mike's (Mr Predicta's) response in the Ebay communication
Ebayemail1-vi.jpg NOW he states it's a fan made replica in a private email BUT NOT in the auction, of course this is after the fact that I had called him out privately days before and is probably trying to do damage control. AND to top it off, he's charging this guy $250 LESS than what he charged me! WHAT THE HELL???

Oh and to top it off, Mike (Mr. Predicta) has finally replied to me, and basically BLAMED ME that he was "too busy with work" to find out if the buckles he got from Clint (Acme), which are rarer than anything in the hobby, are real or not and that Clint didn't say anything to the fact. Nice way to throw Clint under the train and put all the blame on everyone but you Mike!


HOPEFULLY you guys took the time to read all that, but for those who kinda skimmed the thread:


- Mike S. (Mr Predicta) puts up a lower buckle on ebay, doesn't say it's a replica.
- I bid and lose
- Mike S. (Mr. Predicta) PM's me on the RPF and offers one to me, no mention it's a replica
- I ask about it after seeing pictures, "is it new old stock" "and info on it?"
- Mike says it's coming from a source (no mention it's a friend that produced it), looks and functions like new, no mention it's a replica.
- I send $650 + s/h to Mike
- Get buckle, love it and post my new holy grail on RPF
- RPF member Cirrusx1 informs me it's a very good chance it's a Replica
- I contact Mike (Mr. Predicta), Clint (Acme Studios) and Bob (Rocketbobs) for more info and ask Mike if it's a replica (Clint and Bob are owners of Screen Used Rocketeer Parts)
- Mike (Mr. Predicta) says no one to his knowledge has ever replicated one, it's too expensive. (no mention that he actually got it from his friend Clint (Acme) that produced the replicas buckles)
- Cirrusx1 says yes it is a Replica and knows people have made them- Both Bob and Clint are connected to earlier most likely resin casts molded off of Bob's buckle by Cirrusx1.
- Bob (Rocketbobs) replies and confirms Replicas have been made
- Clint (Acme Studios) replies and confirms HE MADE A LARGE RUN OF METAL REPLICAS, and gave/sold some to Mike (Mr. Predicta) to sell for him.
- A finhead board member PM's me stating he purchase a buckle that looks just like mine from a guy named John B. who claims to have found a box of 3 original buckles, John happens to be a friend of Clint (Acme Studios)
- Finhead member states John B. sold all 3 buckles previously on ebay. Possibly now selling Clint's aka ACME Replica buckles under the claim of finding originals, if that part of the story is even real or they were Clint's replicas all along. Finhead member's buckle that he bought from John B matches my buckle that I purchased from Mike that was a replica made by Clint, is friends with both Mike and John B. (still with me here? lol)
- Another Board Member contacts Mike (Mr. Predicta) on ebay about new buckle auction that doesn't state it's a replica. Mike (Mr. Predicta) privately states in reply that it is a replica. Mike (Mr. Predicta) also offers board member a buckle for $400 + s/h, $250 LESS than what he offered me.
- Mike ( Mr. Predicta) emails me claiming along the lines that it was my fault and that he was basically too busy with work to tell me it was a replica. And that Clint (Acme) NEVER TOLD HIM IT WAS A REPLICA because Clint is also too busy... so now he's throwing Clint under the train. And not taking ANY OF THE BLAME himself.
-Mike (Mr. Predicta) put up another Buy in Now Auction that is finally stating it's a replice HOWEVER it's till $250 LESS than what he sold me, and still refuses to acknowledge to me it's a replica.

I received an email from a Finhead member between him and Mike where Mike states he and his group have manufactured replicas of the buckle, this email was from Feb, days BEFORE Mike contacted me.

So, Mike (Mr. Predicta) took advantage of the rarity of the original buckles to sell replicas to collectors/builders like myself at top dollar. He knew full well that they were replicas, made by his friend Clint (Acme). These things just don't pop up without people knowing exactly where they came from. Just like how I figured this out with the help of other fellow finheads that these were replicas being passed off as originals by a respected member of this and the Rocketeer community. Just saying I never said they were originals IS NOT saying they are replicas! Sorry Mike, that doesn't cut it!

My main reasoning behind this was NOT TO START A FLAME WAR OR WITCH HUNT. Last thing I wanted to do was ruin people's reputations in the hobby, but when greed takes over and people start lying to get more money and take advantage of other people, that's just wrong and inexcusable!

At the moment, I believe the proof I have posted is all against Mike Scott (Mr. Predicta), Clint (Acme) may or may not have known 100% what Mike was doing, but he didn't seem to care how it was being dealt with, in terms of sales and the way they were being sold. I don't think Bob (Rocketbobs) had anything to do with this, he's a great guy and been a lot of help and I hope I have not offended him in this process. If I have, then I truly apologize Bob, it was not my intent. I can't stand liars and people taking advantage of others, so I decided to stand up and hopefully stop other people from getting taken by Mike (Mr. Predicta)

I would like to request a temp banning/warning of Mike S. (Mr. Predicta) at least in the Junkyard on the grounds of lying to several people and misrepresenting his items to gain more profit. This is a serious breech of trust in our community. I hope you all agree on this.

- Jeff T.
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First, my disclaimers: I'm not an avid Rocketeer fan though I do have a few pieces in my collection. Second, I didn't know the buckle was THAT rare but I knew they were difficult to come by. Third, I have absolutely no dog in this fight. Lastly, I do not know you or any of the players, I would just like to offer an outsiders opinion.

I do not feel this is banworthy. Not even close.

From all I read, I feel his only offense is omitting information. If you were so concerned about this being a replica, why didn't you simply ask him in the many exchanges you had with him? You certainly had plenty of opportunity. It sounds to me that you were so excited to get a buckle it never crossed your mind to ask.
Your problem.
You paid too much? Too bad. That's his price which he can set at whatever he wants. At the end of the day it's your money. If it's too expensive don't buy it. So he sold it to someone else cheaper. So? Why is that YOUR concern? I can't believe you got a refund! :eek I wouldn't have given you one.
To be completely honest, he's providing buckles, though replicas, that many are in desperate need of so to me he's even being a productive member to the community by offering a rare item that many wouldn't have at all if not for him.
No, the guy is no saint. My mother used to tell me that by omitting information is still considered a lie. I agree. He should openly state that this is a replica. Problem is, he doesn't HAVE to. If you want to know if it's an orginal piece, ask before you purchase. You didn't and now you're crying about it. If you WOULD have asked and he said that the piece was 100% orginal and absolutely not a replica, then that's a different story.
Just because you don't like how this sale went due to lack of research on your part does not constitute a banning.
He lied about by saying that replicas were not made. His friend MADE THEM. Meaning he was trying to pass it off as a real one.

I straight out asked him if it was a replica? He said no.

My email

His Reply

Clint saying he gave them to Mike to sell:

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And I DID ask him if it was "new" old stock meaning REAL, in my pms with him before I purchased it. I asked him that twice. He had ample time to say it was a replica.

I DID do my research on this. Problem is, they kept the knowledge of replicas so quiet, only 3-4 people in THIER INNER CIRCLE knew about them. NO ONE HAS EVER POSTED PUBLICLY THAT METAL REPLICAS HAVE EVER BEEN MADE!

- Jeff
Jeff, there's a lot of info there, so forgive me if this question has already been answered in your first post: do you have strong evidence that Mike knew they were replicas?

It seems he was brokering them for Clint, but that doesn't prove he knew where Clint got them from?
And yes I believe I'm allowed to be upset that he charged me $650, $250 MORE than what he's charging now that he's been caught lying.

Why would he charge more to some one he knows has already dropped $1,000+ with his friend Clint for the rocket kit, and is involved with the Rocketeer community. And then offers it for $400 to someone who isn't? He knows I've been building a costume, he OWNS MY PROTOTYPE GAUNTLETS that I made.

He has YET to actually tell me YES it is a replica. He's blaming Clint, his friend.

- Jeff
Mike, Clint, Bob and a couple others are all connected in the Screen Used Rocketeer community. When one of their names comes up, the rest are usually attached. They are all friends. Clint and Mike were together in person when Clint gave them to Mike. Mike said so.

These buckles are rarer than rare... if some one give you 5 or more, even just 1, you're gonna straight out ask where it came from. You really can't believe that it JUST slipped Clint's mind. And Clint says that with his $X,XXX investment into them, he asked Mike to sell them for him. Soooo.... Mike had to know at that point. To help get some money back from the project.

Clint made them, over 100.

Did it state, anywhere in the e-Bay postings, that these buckles were "original" or "new old stock"? Did the seller state that in response to any e-Bay buyer questions?

Can it be proven, first hand, that the seller knew these buckles were repops?
I am also not the ONLY one that this happened to. He did not buy it from Mike, but another of Clint's friends.

On the Finhead board:

Jeff is absolutely correct!!!! I am the other finhead that got taken advantage of, and I do not want other finhdeads to make the same mistake. I wass lied too about the buckle, and John stated it was an actual buckle that he found at a hardware dealer, but the truth came out that he lied and got it from Clint.

I just don't want other finheads be taken advantage of,and buy a buckle thinking it is the real deal.

Jeff, I tried emailing you through finhead a couple of times. Hopefully you will see this. Email me your private email, and I send you more info.

He is not a member of the RPF yet. He is the one person above in my emails.
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No where in either of his ebay auctions did he state where they were from, or when I talked to him.

For example:
Let's just say no one to this point in time ever replicated a Graflex and say they are extremely rare, like only 4-5 are ever known of, like the rocketeer buckle. I make a run of replica graflexs and don't announce it. I contact a person on the RPF asking if they want a graflex. That's all I say, and let them know I MIGHT be able to get one from a source. Making it sound a little difficult to get. Since the person I offered it to doesn't know replicas were ever made as well as anyone else in the prop world other than maybe 4 of my friends, and I didn't say it was or was not a real one, how can they know or do any more research. They ask if it's "new" old stock and I reply with, looks and functions like new. Is that clear enough of an answer to let the buyer know it's a replica? And when asked point blank if it's a replica, I lie and say "nah it would cost too much to make". You think thats right to do to someone?

- Jeff
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Here's more proof that Mike is connected to Clint and he knew replica buckles were being made. This an email to the person on the Finhead forum.


Right there Mike mentions that "WE" had fabricated replicas, as in Mike and Clint.

You guys need any more proof that Mike knew he was selling Replicas that his group made, even though he told me none were ever made?

- Jeff
Well, what more proof do you need? Clint, said he made 150 of them, gave some to Mike to sell, Mike said "we" as in being a partner to Clint. Mike said in that last email that "we just had the main buckle for the harness fabricated". The argument of him not knowing is total BS. He was well aware the buckle he sold to me was a replica and lied about it, saying none have been made.

- Jeff
I've been getting some PMs due to the length of all the emails and PM's I posted above, and people asking for proof that Mike (Mr Predicta) lied to me.

Here are excerpts of Mike's and my replies back and forth, and at the end it includes an excerpt of an email between a Finhead board member and Mike (Mr. Predicta) about Mike's knowledge of the replicas in Feb., before he contacted me.

March 15th
Jeff to Mike
"Is the spring and locking mechanism still nice and tight? I'll be using it for my costume, so I do need one that functions right. It looks like it's basically new "old stock", great condition!:"
March 15th
Mike to Jeff
"the buckle looks like its in perfect working condition..."
March 24th
Jeff to Mike
"It looks like it's brand new, are they still making them or was a box of unused goods found?"
March 25th
Mike to Jeff
"Im not sure what the story is around this piece but it looks like the real deal and I for one have been trying to find a source for these for a decade so I dont care where its from just as long as I get one"
March 27th
Jeff to Mike
"Hey Mike, Are you aware that the buckle might be a replica?"
March 27th
Mike to Jeff
"hey jeff, as far as I know no one has been able to replicate this buckle the cost to do a faithful piece has always been less out of reach like 10-20 grand .If it is a replica its the best one ever I have gone over it with my buddys and it looked perfect to me ...... I dont think my source has that kind of capitol to do a run like this but I guess its possible it came from somewhere else but then again why are they not coming out of the wood work left and right?"
March 30th
Clint (ACME STUDIOS) (Mike's friend/associate) to Jeff
"... I decided to get a production run made. It ended up costing over $X,XXX. to have 150 of them manufactured.... I asked Mike to try and sell some of them for me"
And more proof that Mike knew about the Replica buckles being made BEFORE he contacted me, this is from an email between a Finhead board member and Mike in Feb!

Feb. 26
Mike's email to a Finhead forum member
"We are working on the Harness and the gauntlets ,price to be determined. we just had the main buckle for the harness fabricated so this will move the harness to the next level which I hope to have stock by spring."
So.. you guys still have any doubts that Mike was lying to me about the buckle? I asked him TWICE if it was new "old stock" and also flat out asked if it was a replica. Mike had at least 3 chances to come clean and just say yes. But he didn't.

- Jeff
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I don't have a dog in this fight. However, I have to agree - from where I stand, the specific words he used in his communications to you do seem deceptive and evasive.

However, and not to disparage any of the allegations you make, I think we all know there's at least three sides to every story. :) I for one am really hoping to see Mike stand up and explain his side here.
OK, interesting read.

Now before you went on a rant did you, ask for your money back becasue you were not happy with the piece?

Did you tell Mike that you did not want a replica buckle to go on your replica harness and found out that this was a replica and wanted your money back?

Before you went posting all over the place and ripped Mike a new one, did you ask for your money back? You see were this is going?


Or maybe you are the one who needs to wave his hands in the air and say "Look at me I need attention".
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