I think I can hijack this thread for a related question.
What is a decent RTV silicone for pewter casting?
Platinum based silicones, get the melting/casting temperature of the pewter you are going to use and make sure the Platinum silicone you use can handle it, or simply contact the manufacture and ask them what they recommend, they will probably asked you for the melting temp so have it handy...
What is the best rubber to use with the minimum ammount of skill involved?
Smooth On's 'OOMOO' line of silicone, I personally hate it because it makes soft weak molds that tear and fail quickly, but it's easy for the newbie to work with...
As for a general purpose silicone it really depends on what you are looking for and your personal preferences... Play around and find one that works for you...
Smooth On's 'Mold Max' line even though I really don't like their products as a whole, it's always a good standby silicone for me...
Alumilite's Quickset it sets fast for quick molds or when I want a harder mold as it's a lot harder then most common silicones...
In the end though for general purpose I prefer using Dow Corning HS II silicone for most stuff... It's high tear strength I have found to be a BIG plus in my book and from experience, for tough molds it has performed the best for me...
There are pros and cons of all of them, so to ask which one is "best" is pretty objective and pretty much an opinion only...