Battlestar Galactica Booze Bottle?

i think so....

not 100% sure but it looks pretty close if its not the same one.

semi OT, anyone have a copy of the graphics they can email me? I want to get one of these and have it laser engraved and popped on my shelf. i friggin hate the new series, but i really do dig the whiskey bottle ;)

That's a nice looking bottle.<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Nexus6 @ Dec 20 2006, 02:43 PM) [snapback]1381495[/snapback]</div>
It's close, but the actual bottle is a Brilliant® vodka bottle.[/b]
Hang on, a Scottish vodka? Interesting...
Looks like I have to do a bit of homework and check out (at least) 'Brilliant' and 'Armadale' :)
You just about have to order it, as it is that hard to find.

Any one want to help me empty them? Bring some advil.... :angel
How about those graphics anyone?
I'm told they used the "L" shaped design thats on one side of a cubit from the old series...
The cheapest place I have found it is online at Sam's Wine. Still only about $13.00 a bottle.
BTW, for anyone who snags the newer Brilliant bottles with the black lids, fear not, the black is just enamel paint. 20 minutes with a stainless steel dremel brush followed by some 0000 steel wool, and it's nice and silver :)
Oh...guess I should have metioned that I already spoke to Spaceglider.
He was the one that told me the images were taken from the old cubit, though he didn't have any examples of the etched bottle to show me.
Has anyone actually tried this stuff? How is it? Assuming you don't drink college swill like Absolut, I'd be curious to hear what you think.

Has anyone actually tried this stuff? How is it? Assuming you don't drink college swill like Absolut, I'd be curious to hear what you think.


I've tried a lot of different vodka's. IMO, this stuff is worse than Absolut.
Sounds like it's something Tigh would approve of.

I threw mine on the scanner. Hope that helps. Bought it a while back and can't vouch for the accuracy, but looks good to me.

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It's freaking jet fuel, its terrible.

Yeah, I'm not a vodka man so I can't judge, but to me it tastes like rubbing alcohol. I'll stick with a good single malt for now. Maybe I'll hang onto the jet fuel and throw a Lebowski night and sling white russians at everyone.
Yeah, I'm not a vodka man so I can't judge, but to me it tastes like rubbing alcohol. I'll stick with a good single malt for now. Maybe I'll hang onto the jet fuel and throw a Lebowski night and sling white russians at everyone.

That's beyond bizarre that you said that - the reason I asked is that my girlfriend recently got hooked on Lebowski (she must've watched it or had it on in the background 100 times by now), and now she's on a White Russian kick. And when does she drink them? Usually the one night a week when we're watching BSG on DVD, which she also loves. So I thought, "...hmm..."
