Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Emperor vs. the Borg. There is no one specific in the Borg, 7-of-9, Locutus, and the Queen notwithstanding.

Im gonna wimp out here and say fastest finger first. Im nowhere near as qualified as most people to say. I never really watched much trek. And only watched wars 2 or 3 times if im honest.

Infact ill say sphere over cube.

Apparently I was wrong because internet...

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The fact that the announcement quote was FROM The Dark Knight Returns, leads me to believe it will be the main influence for this, the film will be hard pushed to introduce us to a new Batman, as well as establish a relationship between him and Superman and then create a conflict between the 2 of them, difficult, but not impossible! Bring it on. By the way, whilst I hope the new Batman is cool, I also hope we get an amazing Bruce Wayne and Alfred, as to me they are as integral to the character as the Batman himself
i believe theyve already said the quote had nothing to do with the story. it was just a quote.
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Whats worse is hes completley missed what the conversation was about. The fact that someone works for DC and maybe or maybe not a writer has nothing to do with the fact that batman could and already has beaten batman.
That same someone out of no where in an attempt of oneupmanship decided to say that because they work there, I will read what they decide. As though it had any place in the conversation.

I then asked the questions in disbelief that hed be a writer and not get the whole idea that batman could beat supes.
It had nothing to do with who had more insight. Whats that got to do with what has been published in the past or will be written into the new MOS movie.....

Then someone comes chiming in about a random comment out of the whole of the conversation. Posts a reply that proved or answered nothing. With a smarmy comment tagged in the end...

Not even realising that if there was proof of this one person solely having the responsability of chosing what I personally read. It wouldnt matter... cos that wasnt the point of the whole conversation.... not even close....

Some users never fail to suprise me.....

I feel every reply someones trying to pick up on stuff that deviates from the whole point... and I get dragged into some alternate conversation....


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It's like Groundhog Day from the Man of Steel thread!!!

Believe me I get the frustration.... but how else can I respond but to repeat myself when someones so far from what I was saying. Almost replying as though its to a completley different post? As though theyve read it drunk lol. Its almost home time for me so will stop for a while while I see the family and sleep. Give everyone a rest :D


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There's no real fight between Superman and Batman. We all know it. The only reason Batman has ever beaten him in the past is because Superman is inherently good and is not willing to vaporize everyone he fights.

Years ago when I read Hush I cringed during that whole fight. They played it as smart as they could have I guess, with the kryptonite ring and the 'going to break my hand if I keep punching him' stuff, but pitting these two against each other in a physical confrontation is IMO not very interesting and poor planning.

But hey, Jim Lee was drawing so they got my $3. For my money he's the best comic penciler in the world.
I concur....wait... were on about her right?


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At least that one does act like a stripper lol.
I get to watch comic book movies... AND they take their clothes of? Winwin


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They're going to have a real problem doing WW without making her look preposterous or like a stripper. Or both.

Wonder Woman is fantasy and I think fantasy is still a popular genre. Not to mention that the old greek/roman/spartan style of her origin still works with audiences as it did in 300.

Also, strippers have won academy awards, fyi.
1. Because you asked if he was a writer! That was what I responded to. And it PROVES that he's a writer! So quit saying it proves or answers nothing! And also, quit painting a huge picture with such a small brush. (Thought this is another metaphore so you probably won't get the nuance)

2. Smarmy? Read your own posts..... He who would be a "pot calling a kettle black" (That's not a metaphore, but rather a cliche, so you may be able to understand that one.)

And quoted for posterity......."batman could and already has beaten batman!"

Whats worse is hes completley missed what the conversation was about. The fact that someone works for DC and maybe or maybe not a writer has nothing to do with the fact that batman could and already has beaten batman.
That same someone out of no where in an attempt of oneupmanship decided to say that because they work there, I will read what they decide. As though it had any place in the conversation.

I then asked the questions in disbelief that hed be a writer and not get the whole idea that batman could beat supes.
It had nothing to do with who had more insight. Whats that got to do with what has been published in the past or will be written into the new MOS movie.....

Then someone comes chiming in about a random comment out of the whole of the conversation. Posts a reply that proved or answered nothing. With a smarmy comment tagged in the end...

Not even realising that if there was proof of this one person solely having the responsability of chosing what I personally read. It wouldnt matter... cos that wasnt the point of the whole conversation.... not even close....

Some users never fail to suprise me.....

I feel every reply someones trying to pick up on stuff that deviates from the whole point... and I get dragged into some alternate conversation....


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
1. Because you asked if he was a writer! That was what I responded to. And it PROVES that he's a writer! So quit saying it proves or answers nothing! And also, quit painting a huge picture with such a small brush. (Thought this is another metaphore so you probably won't get the nuance)

Technically he was asking if he was a writer for DC entertainment, since thats what Jet inferred, not a writer in general. Thats why what you put and no direct correlation to the question at hand.

And quoted for posterity......."batman could and already has beaten batman!"

and technically that is accurate as well, but a completely different storyline. I know it was a typo on his part, but it's still accurate.
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