Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

From the looks of it, you could just buy a normal throat mic then make the add-ons yourself to get Bat's throat mic. You could either keep the throat mic completely intact or remove it completely from strap that holds it to your neck and attach it to the exterior piece. But all of this is unnecessary if you're going to be wearing it under the costume because it would be completely hidden by the cowl, in which case all you would need is the throat mic and a voice (modulator) box.

I would want to get it made exactly like in the movie.
I'd be very suprised if they used one that works in the movie when they could get much better quality and complete control by doing whatever effects they want in post.

Quite annoyed with Smith in this instance, and I'm subscribed to his channel with Marc Bernardin etc as I enjoy their discussions and interviews. I watched his Fatman on Batman review before I listened to this discussion, and whilst he obviously had issues with it (some of which are definitely based in ignorance, some of which are expectations that he specifically thinks the film should be (unfair), and some of which are absolutely genuine concerns within the movie that I agree with and are obvious to anyone who watched it) he was balanced in his review - yet in this discussion, he gets caught up with the idiot he chats with in the show (Ralph Garman - ever since I started listening to Babble On, I really, really get annoyed with his constantly deriding of things (with very little back up of evidence etc) for comedy schtick - it's easier to get laughs with rants I suppose. He produces some genuine laughs but mostly comes across as an egotistical idiot, in my opinion) and Smith lets loose and slams the film - whether that is his true feelings about it revealed and the review is his "nice facade" then fair enough, but there doesn't seem to be a ton of thought behind what he didnt like. He took his initial feeling from the film, which was not love, and allowed himself (similar to John Schnepp) to be dragged down into this pit of hatred for the film.

It's quite obvious that this film is divisive, and it isn't a shining example of the comic book personalities of these characters. It's a different interpretation - if you can separate yourself (we all read elseworld or different universe comic stories about these characters? Generally some of the best stories that are well loved are stories that are based in a "what if" scenario...Dark Knight Returns, Superman Red Son etc.) from the idea that these films are not part of the comic continuity (why on earth would they be?) then the enjoyment of the films increases. It's difficult to alter our own mindsets that way, but I feel so much better about what I'm watching when I let that side of my "fanboying" take a break.

There are definite plot issues and certain moments that don't quite work, even for me, an advocate of the film (on the second viewing, some things resolved themselves even clearer in my mind (Lex motives were strengthened on a second viewing), and a few things didnt work as well as the first time (Lois arc doesnt stand up well to a second viewing) and it is a lot of film to digest. What I hate seeing is such small minded hate rather than people making objective and genuine complaints with a basis in evidence in the film. You shouldn't complain (effectively, of course you can actually'd just be so much more bearable if it was based in evidence and gave me actual pause for thought) about a film based upon what your preconceptions of a character are - there is no one version. Man of Steel set the tone for this universe - if you go into this film expecting things that arent established then you're short changing your own enjoyment of what this new story is, I think. Saying that, I'm definitely open to changing my mind on things for the worse as well - I'll always admit when something is weak and/or pure rubbish plot wise.

I've started writing a whole article/thing on this and this is sort of the basis. I'm getting carried away here, haha.
@Fawbish - Smith is an entertainer and this wasn't a review show - it's a live show where both he and Garman (who I am no fan of) are performing for and to an audience. I do think, that even though this part-performance - they did give plenty of reasoning for how they felt about the movie. I thought they nailed it for the most part - they were pretty spot on with how I felt about the Batman v Superman. (I pretty much gave up on Kevin's podcasts quite sometime ago - although I have recently rediscovered Tell 'Em Steve Dave. Tonight, Fatman on Batman is playing here in Detroit - and it's the first time in years that I'm missing a Smith live show here in southeastern Michigan).

In all honesty, your post reads pretty much to me exactly about what you're talking about. Except where Smith and Garman rail against Bats v Supes, you're against Smith and Garman; only, I find their debate has quite a bit more substance.

You admit in your post that you're an advocate for the movie - and you go off on some rant about "small minded hate" and "objective and genuine complaints based on evidence in the film." I wonder if you listened to the same clip I did, or even saw the same movie? Just because you disagree with their viewpoint, doesn't make them small minded or their critique any less objective or genuine.

"You shouldn't complain (effectively, of course you can actually'd just be so much more bearable if it was based in evidence and gave me actual pause for thought) about a film based upon what your preconceptions of a character are - there is no one version. Man of Steel set the tone for this universe - if you go into this film expecting things that arent established then you're short changing...."

That's worse pseudo-babble than we get from Kevin Smith. Smith has written Batman comics, he hosts a podcast show about Batman, he was hired to write a Superman movie script, one of his best friends is Batman.

Sure, you can say that this Batman and Superman are different than other representations of them - I don't think anyone will argue that at all. What you're either ignoring or missing is that these characters have a long history and have well established character traits - there is absolutely nothing wrong with having certain expectations that those characters stay true to those ideals. This isn't Elseworlds, this isn't What If, this isn't Dark Knight Returns - this is bigger than some one-off side comic. Sometimes we choose to ignore or find ways to justify straying from that like many do for the Nolan movies (which I personally disliked for the most part).

Everyone know what they were getting into with this film. We all know that it isn't going be tied into 75 years of history and continuity. I think what a lot of us hoped for - and didn't get - was something that rung true to the heroes we know and love. ...and many of us feel that didn't happen, that doesn't make us "small minded," it just means it didn't work for us.

Is the film divisive? I don't think so - the critics have spoken pretty loudly (even the audience score with RT isn't great), while the money it's raking in has been amazing... which could mean quite a few things in and of itself. I don't think the 203 reviewers that gave BvS a "rotten" review weren't objective or genuine or small minded. Nor do I think the audience that's giving it 71% positive reviews is being anything less than genuine or small minded for liking the film.

I just want to skip Justice League and get right to an Affleck-starring Batman movie.
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I thought I had seperated it enough but reading back it didnt quite seperate out - the "small minded hate" I was referring to was more the people that see this particular film and immediately hate it because of a reason that is either very clearly explained within the film, or is based upon the fact that they cant accept that this version differs (and even then, can't accept the internal logic of why the version differs) - then go off negatively impacting other peoples views of the film etc. Perhaps my wording was a little blase - I realise now perhaps my own post has come across that way, but I thought I'd clearly defined my reasoning for feeling a bit miffed with Smith. You are right about the fact he is entertaining in the podcast and doing his job of course, and I should have kept that in mind - I did in fact listen to the segment where they discuss the movie (and the part about the Flash directing) thanks - there's no need to assume I'm telling lies, chief. I also did watch the same film as you, and since you've taken the time to clearly explain in a concise manner your issues with my post, I'll thank you for that. You haven't spouted vitriol, you've made your point clearly and explained your position. I never meant small minded to apply to "anyone that doesn't like this movie" - I wouldn't make a blanket statement like that.

Do you not think that he is being hypocritical though? If you check out the Fatman on Batman video review of BvS, let me know what you think.

Counter point however - Affleck isn't one of his best friends, just a friend from his past (The Askewverse etc as I'm sure you're aware) - he admits as much in a few podcasts now, and has said he hasnt spoken to him in years (not through animosity, though having seen a Dinner for Five (awesome show) at one point and a discussion with Kevin, it's fairly clear that Affleck distanced himself from Smith once his "star" started rising into the big leagues - that's as far as I can tell anyway, from what Smith has said in a few different things now. Have you heard different? And also, have you read the Superman script that Smith wrote? I actually got around to reading it today - whilst I appreciate that he wrote that in the early 00' It has some stuff in there that just would not work, IMO, in a Superman film. One of his complaints (if Im remembering right) was that they shoehorned a lot into BvS...his script includes Luthor, Brainiac, Doomsday, Eradicator etc. There's a lot going on, in a "comicy" fashion which just reads as ridiculous in some places. He does get some of the characterisation fairly well but even then, some of it is so, so corny and weird. And it would come across as quite campy I think if it had gone on to be filmed in that form. As an aside, have any of you seen The Death of Superman Lives by John Schnepp? Quite enjoyed it, documentary about how the film almost got made.

Btw, I was also not claiming Smith was babbling, just his (to my eyes) hypocrisy - what I thought was his honest review sat well with me initially - he wanted this and that, and wasnt super happy with the film overall, but there were parts he enjoyed (Ben etc) and once he heard the actual hate, he started getting defensive of it. Whereas in the babble on, his comment was something along the lines of “It was certainly ****ing humourless, there was nothing funny going on in that world whatsoever.” and it's statements like that - at what point during Man of Steel did this film universe seem like it was established as a funny film? or one where regular jokes are made? This movie was almost a direct sequel to that one, which we've all known for three years. The trailers don't allude to comedy, in fact it shows us one of it's jokes during a trailer. And I totally agree with the statement by the way - whilst there were definite moments to illicit a smile and a positive thought (Clark jumping in the bath with her, Perry's sarcasm, "You've never known a woman like me", Lex's moments of casual power play and some of his mannerisms) it was never, ever going to have a tone where you laugh at a snarky quip every five minutes. So why expect it? That is basically the principle about a fair few of the complaints against this movie that aggravate me, it's the expectation that just seems so out of place.

I will admit, my mind is flexible on the expectation of the superhero core value complaint. There is absolutely no doubt I would enjoy a more light hearted film, with certain motivations made more front and centre - I do get that, of course. But I also love this serious portrayal too. It's different, and for me it works for a number of reasons - first and foremost that I've really tried to allow myself to enjoy the story that is being told to us, not the one I want it to be. (and as I've previously admitted, even from there, there are things that dont work for me and that I do have issues with)

Also - you have actually said something that proves some of what I was trying to convey,

"Sometimes we choose to ignore or find ways to justify straying from that like many do for the Nolan movies (which I personally disliked for the most part)."

You're showing consistency and integrity in your argument by accepting that the Nolan films have the same interpretation issues of Batman that you dislike in BvS (assuming the no kill rule?) So, so, so, so many people I've seen commenting "I love Nolan's Batman, he had a no kill rule, this batman kills thats so ****" (basic example) - we all know if you look at Nolans films there are many deaths that can be attributed to Batman. I still love those films. And that's why those particular complaints don't have me too fussed about this one doing it, especially when it is made into a plot/character point. Which I wont go into detail here, as I'm starting to see double.

There was no need to cite Smiths experience (incorrectly in part ;)) as I hope you can see that I arent just jumping in to hate on Kevin Smith - I enjoy his work. What I see is that the majority (people that read an article that pops up) will now read that Kevin Smith hated this movie, instead of what I saw when I watched his actual review, which was measured and not showing hate, where he made some good points in favour and against. Its such a small thing I know, but that was my main issue.
Thanks for the reply, it's obviously well thought out and while we might disagree on a bit - I enjoyed the read and interaction.

I never assumed you were spouting lies at all. It just seemed you were unnecessarily harsh towards towards Smith based on the clip posted above (and others that didn't like the flick). Again, I thought Kevin nailed it... no, I haven't seen his other comments about it - but what I saw in Hollywood Babble-on (more or less why I used the term babble... plus, *I* feel he tends to babble), while brief (and pointed), hit the nail on the head for me.

Comments about it being humorless can be looked at many different ways. I didn't read it as an assumption that he thought he was going to be rolling in the aisles at Bats and Supes' wacky hijinks. It seemed more to me like he was just trying to say that this flick is (trying to be) dark and/or somber, maybe even bleak. I find it odd you take issue with that statement, it seems you felt Smith implied something that I just don't think he did - nor do find it hypocritical at all. (Again, based on the Babble-on clip above - there maybe more to it as I haven't really seen or heard anything else from him on this).

Yes, Kevin and Ben aren't as close as they once were. Still, Kevin did get a sneak peek at the batsuit a few years back - although that seems like it came from Snyder, not Affleck. I'm still hoping Ben shows up in Mallrats 2 - it sure doesn't seem like it's been 10 years since he showed up in Clerks 2. While my point may have been exaggerated, I think the intent was clear - and while I knew they weren't as close as they once were, I wasn't trying to mislead...

You quoting me certainly makes me feel like I need an editor. Wow, I managed some amazing butchery of grammar and English - but, apparently, you got the gist of it. (...and honest, I've actually won grants and prizes from my writing - it's this whole writing on the fly and not giving it a thorough read through/edit afterwards that kills me). Although, I will add there was a whole lot more to the Nolan films that I disliked other than Batman "killing." I think BvS - outside of a few major issues - had a better overall Batman character.

I'm still hoping for Kevin to redeem himself after Tusk. :D

I guess Kevin added a bit more according to this Yahoo story. Again, I agree with everything he's said here - I found Affleck to be an incredible Batman and enjoyed Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman more than I should have, too.
Thanks for the reply, it's obviously well thought out and while we might disagree on a bit - I enjoyed the read and interaction.

I never assumed you were spouting lies at all. It just seemed you were unnecessarily harsh towards towards Smith based on the clip posted above (and others that didn't like the flick). Again, I thought Kevin nailed it... no, I haven't seen his other comments about it - but what I saw in Hollywood Babble-on (more or less why I used the term babble... plus, *I* feel he tends to babble), while brief (and pointed), hit the nail on the head for me.

Comments about it being humorless can be looked at many different ways. I didn't read it as an assumption that he thought he was going to be rolling in the aisles at Bats and Supes' wacky hijinks. It seemed more to me like he was just trying to say that this flick is (trying to be) dark and/or somber, maybe even bleak. I find it odd you take issue with that statement, it seems you felt Smith implied something that I just don't think he did - nor do find it hypocritical at all. (Again, based on the Babble-on clip above - there maybe more to it as I haven't really seen or heard anything else from him on this).

Yes, Kevin and Ben aren't as close as they once were. Still, Kevin did get a sneak peek at the batsuit a few years back - although that seems like it came from Snyder, not Affleck. I'm still hoping Ben shows up in Mallrats 2 - it sure doesn't seem like it's been 10 years since he showed up in Clerks 2. While my point may have been exaggerated, I think the intent was clear - and while I knew they weren't as close as they once were, I wasn't trying to mislead...

You quoting me certainly makes me feel like I need an editor. Wow, I managed some amazing butchery of grammar and English - but, apparently, you got the gist of it. (...and honest, I've actually won grants and prizes from my writing - it's this whole writing on the fly and not giving it a thorough read through/edit afterwards that kills me). Although, I will add there was a whole lot more to the Nolan films that I disliked other than Batman "killing." I think BvS - outside of a few major issues - had a better overall Batman character.

I'm still hoping for Kevin to redeem himself after Tusk. :D

I guess Kevin added a bit more according to this Yahoo story. Again, I agree with everything he's said here - I found Affleck to be an incredible Batman and enjoyed Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman more than I should have, too.

Aye, it's nice to get some thoughts out there and interact. I've revised a few things in my review (technically my first ever, dont know if I'll even put it up to be fair, but its turning into a bit of a sprawling statement on understanding film in general) based upon your thoughts above as they made me rethink some things.

And yes - I bloody knew he'd "found the heart" and whether he means to or not, I think what he says there is quite insightful. However, now I see a timeline - his second viewing is what helped him connect with the movie and he made his review video after that.

I currently can't decide if the fact that further analysis does definitely assist the film (similar to Man of Steel, I recommend anyone checking out Some excellent explanations that are there in the film, some nice posits for things that might need interpretation. I'm hoping they continue and do the same for this film.) or hinders it. Because that extends the films enjoyment by a lot more than 2.5 hours in the cinema, that you can keep going back looking for stuff. However it also impacts on the initial viewing - I came out with a good feeling that I'd understood the story, with some awesome moments that had me fairly emotional, but there is always that part of my brain that wants to see, for instance, the exact TAS in live action. Or a perfectly plotted film instead of one with the occasional moment that made me go "ah no, that shouldn't have happened" (Lois going back for the spear...still can't figure that one out) But instead of letting that ruin my enjoyment of what this is, I've managed to put that aside. I can understand how some people might not be able to, truly.

I am really, really looking forward to the ultimate cut. Whilst it won't suddenly make the film perfect, I'm hoping it has a few character moments that just help elevate the whole thing.
Do you know that it is fully functional and practical prop..

Affleck has specifically answered this question that during scenes he speaks normally and they add the tone in afterwards.

Physically the prop is real (not functionally as far as I know, if you have a source please post as that would be very cool) as part of the "underarmour" stripped away cowl etc.
I saw it yesterday. It sucked. I really wanted to like it. The editing was soooo bad. The story was garbage. It's like they couldn't decide where the story was supposed to go. It's like Snyder liked some parts of The Dark Knight Returns and just decided to make a movie out of those parts and just made up the rest. Afleck was pretty awesome. I liked him a lot. Him and Jeremy Irons had a great chemistry. They completely wasted Doomsday. I could sit here all day and pick this movie to pieces but it's not worth it.

To sum up the movie in one sentence: 90% of the film felt like deleted scenes.
Where does this info come from?
Zack synder, dc entertainment, and batman v superman dawn of justice tech manual

- - - Updated - - -

Affleck has specifically answered this question that during scenes he speaks normally and they add the tone in afterwards.

Physically the prop is real (not functionally as far as I know, if you have a source please post as that would be very cool) as part of the "underarmour" stripped away cowl etc.

Zack synder, dc entertainment and batman v superman dawn of justice tech manual
It was machinied in aluminum but in the movie universe it said that it was made in titanium

- - - Updated - - -

Will somebody just ask the production team, physical effecrs, fx, and prop people, etc. on their social media about the voice modulator/throat microphone
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