Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Off topic, but who can we petition about getting an official sarcasm font for the internet? Italics would work. No one really knows what it's supposed to be for anyway.

Tone would still be an issue I think... I feel like I come across as a dead pan ******* when in my mind I'm doing a sassy black woman...

Mmmmhmmmmph *snap* *snap* *snap*
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Boy, do we need this badly!! I can't believe social media does not have something for sarcasm. Either a font or an emoticon to go before and after the sarcastic statement or something!!
Well, there is this one: :p Which does the job quite alright, I guess.

Memes also seem to be effective when used correctly, IMO.

The Nite Owl cowl was a complete redesign over previous foam latex cowls As is Afflecks. They are still foam latex but movement is greatly improved.
The thing I noticed most between the Nite Owl and Batfleck cowl and the older Batman ones is that the neck-to-jawline transition seems to be much better defined, for lack of a better word. The top neck area seems much less bulky, perhaps that is what improves the turning of the head. I wonder what other techniques could be involved. For instance, how did they attack the problem of the actor's head turning within the cowl, like Michael Keaton had in some instances. Gluing the mask to the actor's face would likely remedy some of that, but I don't believe they've gone down that path yet.
We are getting a hint of a neck turn here and it looks like the cowl is buckling slightly in the neck area. This does appear to be a stunt double so the fit could be a little different than what we get on Ben...but the neck is indeed turning as promised!

Everyone I know who has worked on the film has said the same thing.. this cowl is a feat of costuming. I trust their opinions and I'm certain it will look fantastic on film.
Do you think it's a 2 piece cowl? It looks almost like the head and neck are separate, with a bit of the collar most likely protruding up into the head piece, almost how the articulation on an action figure works.

Edit: he's most definitely holding some kind of Bat gadget in that last picture, probably grinding the roof of the car open.
Do you think it's a 2 piece cowl? It looks almost like the head and neck are separate, with a bit of the collar most likely protruding up into the head piece, almost how the articulation on an action figure works.

Edit: he's most definitely holding some kind of Bat gadget in that last picture, probably grinding the roof of the car open.

It is a one piece.

I don't know if you follow The Flash, but that cowl is actually a two piece. The movement wasn't any better than the standard foam latex cowl, so they went back to a one piece design for the Reverse Flash cowl.

You have to do much more than just separating the cowl for good movement.
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I seen a vid that pic was in and the cowl is awesome. its a one piece cowl and he moves his head up and down and sideways like that with no problems. moves in those directions without the face wanting to stay with neck
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