Batman Begins lifesize display pics *WIP*


Well-Known Member
This is a work in progress. The cape is a cheapo cape, wrong material and way too small/short, it doesn't even cover the back of Batman(which is why all the pictures are from the same angle). I want opinions on the pose. I want a Batman Begins display that captures the "mystery" and "darkness" of the character. Plus I can save alotta $$ by not having to buy the whole costume :lol . I plan to display it in low light, in a dark corner of the room, so you don't even notice it when first walking into the room, I think that will look kinda cool. What do you guys think of the pose/display? Bill



I like it.

Raising a cape-covered forearm to mask the lower part of his face is a natural pose for Batman to strike when he wants to render himself invisible in a dark room. With the arm at the height it is in your display, it looks as if he's just getting ready to make his presence known.

Plus, it's a pose that Bela Lugosi struck as Dracula. :thumbsup

Works for me. :D
Thanks temponaut,that's the look I was going for. I didn't want to cover too much of his face, but have his arm raised enough so you get the idea he is "hiding", getting ready to "pounce" :D Bill
Originally posted by Simmon M@Feb 2 2006, 01:26 AM
I like it. This may come out of left field but it looks very Kelly Jones-ish.

Hey Simmon, who is Kelly Jones ? :confused Bill
Hey Bill - Kelley Jones is a comic artist who had a little run on the regular Batman title in the early/mid-90's. I loved his artwork - but it was sort of an acquired taste. I thought his work was very spooky and very fitting in the Batman-verse.

I think he's best known for his Batman Elseworld titles Red Rain etc.

He often drew Batman with his cape wrapped around him much like your display. Made him look very creature-of-the-night-ish.
Just Googled it Simmom. I like his take on Batman, and that is the look/feel I am going for. I like the idea of Batman being kinda scary/creepy, creature of the night-ish. Thats why I think he is the coolest superhero, he's got that dark side. To quote Bruce Wayne himself,"A guy that dresses up like a bat, clearly has issues" :D. Lets face it, Superman is a boyscout, a mamas boy :lol . Bill
I like it a lot. The only thing I would change is the color on the face. It may just be the picture, but it looks like it is one solid color.

I realize it's just a temp cape, but when you make your real one, be sure to use LOTS of material.

That way you'll have options as to how you want to drape it and fold it back on itself, etc. The more drapes and folds, the more light and shadow play you'll have which will keep it from looking so static.


If you can get at least one glove, maybe you could put the cape in his hand and draped over the elbow to show off just a little bit more, not unlike this poster:


Keep them pictures coming.

I think it's gonna be great.
You could maybe display him in front of a brick facade, with some very low lighting to really capture his bat essence.
BTW, if you need just one gauntlet, I could probably hook you up.
Thanks for the input guys. I like the exposed gauntlet idea too, I think I will do that. I think those spiked gauntlets in Begins make Batman look "dangerous", like you reeeealy wouldn't want to get hit by him :unsure . I've got someone interested in doing a cape, once I get it on the display, I will post pics of the completed display. Thanks again for the help guys :thumbsup . Bill
Honestly, I'm not down with it . . . I know, stick me in the minority here, but I don't like the pose. Not for Batman Begins. Personally, if I were to build a mannequin, I'd want to show case it. Show off the armor, gauntlets, belt . . . and it's all covered up on your mannequin by the cape. He might as well be naked behind it. Just my opinion, though. If you're cool with it, Bill, then coolio. B)