BaseBall Furies

Supa troop

Sr Member
Has anyone ever attempted The Baseball Furies Costume??

if so can you give info and perhaps some pics

many thanks
those are great! and affordable! it would be awesome to get a large group together as these for halloween or something.
I picked up a Warriors poster from that site -- great service!

Love those Metal/Director tees, too. :thumbsup
My friend and I did Baseball Furies at Dragoncon a few years ago. It's a pretty easy costume to do that still looks cool. I'm in the back with the yellow face paint with a family of Furies I ran into. My friend and I bought plain jerseys from Eastbay and had the Furies logo airbrushed on the back, though the Mondo Tees ones are nice too. For some reason I remember black stirrup socks being difficult to find, but the rest was pretty painless.
There was a group at Dragoncon last year that had representatives from a bunch of gangs from The Warriors, but I missed it. They even had Luther with the clinking beer bottles... But at least we got to mock fight some Jedi.


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These are some of the guys I did my Smokey and the Bandit run with.
Do a Google Search for Rolling Roadshow.