Back to the Future part 2


Active Member
I know this is kinda overkill, but has anyone tried to make the Wild Gunman arcade machine from BTTF part 2?
Ha, that's a pretty cool idea. Didn't I read somewhere that it was never a real game and created just for the movie?
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but has anyone tried to make the Wild Gunman arcade machine from BTTF part 2?
Wild Gunman (from Back to the Future 2) - IAM/KLOV Coin-op Videogame, Pinball, Slot Machine, and EM Machine Forums (Sept 4, 2010)
Yes, JustBrianD created a custom replica last month.

Wild Gunman (PlayChoice-10) ROM < M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator / MAME 0.139 | Emuparadise
The original Playchoice was used in the movie but was built with a modified cabinet.

Wild Gunman - Futurepedia - The Back to the Future Wiki
I actually hope to try and make this, because I know a place where I can get a cheap nes and they probably have the gun, then i just need an old tv and just make the shell.