Babylon 5 - anyone recognize this fighter?

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
I was looking through some old magazines and I have a Sci Fi Channel magazine (yeah forgot that was thing) from 1997 or 1998. They had a Babylon 5 behind the scenes article and they were filming one of the episodes with Lorien (forgot the episode title they mentioned). I saw this picture and noticed a couple fighters I don't recognize. At first I thought they were Thunderbolts from an odd angle, but it isn't. They don't look like any of the main alien factions. Anyone know what they are? The fighters have black arrows pointing to them.

I'm pretty sure that is a Thunderbolt, just at a weird angle. It looks too close to the others to not be that, in my opinion. It's definitely not an alien ship, either, because that's all an Earth Alliance fleet.

If you know what shot that's from, I can go frame-by-frame and see if I can figure it out.
I would agree with you with the one on the left maybe, but if you look at the one on the right, it definitely looks like it has two trailing "tails". I can't see any angle where a Thunderbolt would look like that with two long tails.
I think I found it. It's the Earthforce gunship that was shown in the GROPOS episode. It says it can also operate in space.

I think I found it. It's the Earthforce gunship that was shown in the GROPOS episode. It says it can also operate in space.

Damn! Good eye! I think you're right.
I didn't find it, someone on a B5 board said that might be it. :lol: I guess this scene is from when Earthforce is trying to retake B5. I totally forgot about those gunships because they only show up (I thought) in that GROPOS episode. Not to mention, I thought they were atmosphere only ships.
I was looking through some old magazines and I have a Sci Fi Channel magazine (yeah forgot that was thing) from 1997 or 1998. They had a Babylon 5 behind the scenes article and they were filming one of the episodes with Lorien (forgot the episode title they mentioned). I saw this picture and noticed a couple fighters I don't recognize. At first I thought they were Thunderbolts from an odd angle, but it isn't. They don't look like any of the main alien factions. Anyone know what they are? The fighters have black arrows pointing to them.

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Star fury MKII, maybe 3. Elongated pilot nose for survivability. Heavy and more efficient armament and laser pods. I want to say B5 got them early in season 3 or so ...along w Station Actual upgrades such as upgrades to weapon pod, stations, and ammunition upgrades... The Medium class
..the medium class Earth ships look shadow tek modified.
Star fury MKII, maybe 3. Elongated pilot nose for survivability. Heavier and more efficient armament and laser pods than the MkI. I want to say B5 got them early in season 3 or so ...along w Station Actual upgrades such as upgrades to weapon pod, stations, and ammunition upgrades...
...Note the medium class Hyperion gunship modified w (very)early 1st gen Shadow tek... Pay attention to difference between the deep, deep black lightning /paint, compared to the standard deep greys that the Planetary Govt ships traditionally look- as well as the intense window lights, a la the U S.S. Enterprise!
Also, notice the lighting difference compared to the rest of the eps. that had them in. jMS is nothing but a stickler for nuanced details.
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