Authentic MPP Shroud Variances – Info Needed


Sr Member
This question came up on a thread that had been buried for a couple of years.

Many Auth. MPPs that I have seen turn up on e(vil)Bay over the past couple of years have come with original shrouds with an extra "step" in comparison to the ANH and ESB Vader. Does anyone have any information on which is older the MPP with the extra step or the accurate version w/o the step?

The original MPPs have a number engraved beneath the shroud that I originally thought was just a part number but after two other members posted their #'s (which are different that mine) I am beginning to think that it may be a unique to each flashgun.( only speculating)

If you have an auth MPP and are willing to reveal this number please post.
Also any info on the topic is appreciated.

p.s. This is the first thread I've ever nice:angel
I believe the numbers were already determined to be serial numbers unique to each flash (which is why replicas have left them off).

There are a lot of variations in the MPP endcaps and clamps as well (at least 4 of each I believe).
I'm not sure if there is a way to tell which is older or if age is even the reason for the differences.
Well you learn something new every day.:eek I didn't realize that the MPP's had different shrouds. I just thought that the replicas were different because they had to be. I only got my original a little while back and haven't checked it for differences against the films Vader lightsaber before. :confused
DARTH SABER made this comment a while back regarding MPP Variences:

"BTW, there are so many variants on the MPP!

Just off the top of my head -

black plug with 3 rings
Black plug no rings
Black plug with smaller silver plug in center
clear (white?) plug

Two step
One step

large B port hole
Small B port hole


silver rectangle sidebars
silver trapazoid sidebars
black rectangle sidebars
black trapazoid sidebars"

You would think the Numbers under the shroud would go in order.
Anyone have an Auth MPP without the Step in the shroud?
Hi there,

I recently scored a real MPP from ebay. It has a one step shroud. It's number is 1404.
However when I compared the MPP shroud to my Larbel ... I noticed that the Larbel shroud was a lot thicker on the edge then the real MPP (where the lightbulb screws inside). Also the screw on the MPP shroud was off center while the Larbel was dead on in the middle. Then I looked at the replica cast plastic shroud on my second Heiland and it very closely resembles the real MPP: thin shroud edge and screw off center. The MR FX Vader ANH also has a thicker shroud edge. Thusfar I would conclude there are at least three shroud variations.

Looking through my MPP Book : Micro Precision Products The MPP Story and the Products by Basil Skinner
I also discovered that there is a variation in the black switch on top. Sometimes the push-button is grey/white but mostly black and the plastic that holds the clamp on the chrome tube can also be grey instead of black!
Furthermore being a photographer I can tell that the silver plug in the center of the endcap is just an additional 'screw' so that the Flashgun can be screwed onto a smaller tripod.

Here's a question : Does the Vader ANH shroud have a thin or thick shroud edge in the movie? Any pictures available :confused

So when looking for a genuine MPP on ebay there's a lot of questions to be asked to the seller ... depending on what Vader (ANH/ESB/ROTJ) lightsaber you're aiming for off course.

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