Assassins Creed 2 Hidden Blade build WIP


Just started this project a few eeks ago, ill be putting pics of my progress in this thread. I saw someone else do this project and it inspired me to do my own. I sculpted it in air hardening clay over floral foam and aluminum foil. I molded it in a 10:1 silicon w a bondo mother mold. tell me what ya guys think :)

That's basically where I'm at right now, I'm molding the top part of the brace right now so by the end of the week I'll have all the resin parts casted out! Then it'll be leather and lacing and then the hidden blade mechanism! Sorry the pics are out of order
[/QUOTE]Here's an update, I'm farther along than the pictures shown. i went with using this art paper I bought at Michaels an riveted it to a piece of camping foam to make it look like leather. over this I'm going to have the buckled in leather piece and the armor and hidden blade over that. Should be finished within a few weeks, thanks for checking it out!
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SO, i haven't kept you guys updated but I'm basically finished minus the buckles that attach the armor pieces together. I've desgined it so that the ring runs underneath the gauntlet, pulling it lifts the mechanism releasing the blade. I'vve yet to make the actual blade nor made it locking yet. I've also made the armor removeable due to my plans to make the other hidden blades of the series :love As it sits too the blade mehcnaism works flawlessly, I'll have to make a video later to show you guys, tell what you think so far :)