Art of SW:TFA - Any good?


Sr Member
Basically, how is it? Worth the price of admission?

I really liked the art book for Episode I, because it showed a lot of unused art, all the concepts that never made it or were significantly altered before they appeared in the film. It was neat to see the progression of how things started versus how they ended. There were also descriptions of the designs that put a bit of backstory and little details that you never saw in the film.

But by the time they got to the book for Episode III, it was little more than just the final production paintings, only showing you what you'd already seen in the film. I found it highly disappointing in that regard, since there was almost no actual concept art at all.

Which category does TFA's book fall into? If it's just rehashing what I saw on the big screen, I'll pass. If it actually shows the whole process of concept to final, I'll pick it up right away.
Good book. Thought it should have been better with more commentary on what was used and what wasn't and why. In addition, no sketches and really not much on the thought process behind the scenes.

For example, why did the star destroyer evolve into the new shape.
Short ver: no.

If you want a look at the de-evolution of concept art over the last decade or so, then okay you'll see where we've headed; you'll also catch a few glimpses as to where the current crap video game art 'aesthetic' has overreached its bounds. And with 30+ artists on the film, plenty of insight to the in-bred culture that pervades the discipline these days.

One or two stand-out artists, but they aren't concept guys and their works reflect that. In all, wait til it hits the bargain tables, and if by then you give it any thought or are a completist etc....
Yea - kind of a tease as far as what was really happening design wise. Not detailed enough.

I was surprised at how stale some of the art was. I do like the film, but much of the art lacked the wonder, thought provoking emotion of Joe Johnston and Macquire.

Perhaps this was due to the time crunch.
Yea - kind of a tease as far as what was really happening design wise. Not detailed enough.

I was surprised at how stale some of the art was. I do like the film, but much of the art lacked the wonder, thought provoking emotion of Joe Johnston and Macquire.

Perhaps this was due to the time crunch.

I agree with your assessment completely, Mcquarries designs were incredible, imaginative, you look and say "wow"-as for "time crunch" Im less sympathetic, these people have had years, decades even to get it right
I wonder if the computer medium leads to the art not being as dynamic.

There are some really cool "paintings", but most leave me wanting more.
I thought the same lwhen I leafed through it. I really didn't like the new ship designs that much either. The troop transports, for example, are just amorphous boxes. I really wished it showed more of the design process, but I assume there isn't much of one. I really wish the designs in the movie were instant classics like the old movie designs still are.

Short ver: no.

If you want a look at the de-evolution of concept art over the last decade or so, then okay you'll see where we've headed; you'll also catch a few glimpses as to where the current crap video game art 'aesthetic' has overreached its bounds. And with 30+ artists on the film, plenty of insight to the in-bred culture that pervades the discipline these days.

One or two stand-out artists, but they aren't concept guys and their works reflect that. In all, wait til it hits the bargain tables, and if by then you give it any thought or are a completist etc....
I assume the troop transports were supposed to mimic the WWII storm the beach at Normandy look, hence the boxy nature. And Kylo Ren's shuttle is an instant classic in my book!
I assume the troop transports were supposed to mimic the WWII storm the beach at Normandy look, hence the boxy nature. And Kylo Ren's shuttle is an instant classic in my book!

Agreed, I liked the point of view of the Stormtroopers landing, but no reason why the outside of the ship should have not been much more dynamic.

This and Chewie running pass Lea were the few flaws of the film.
I love the troop landers. They have much more detail at the rear half than most notice. Nobody complains about the classic sandcrawler and it's along the same lines.

While I didn't hate them, what I didn't like about the landers is that we already had a lander in the canon that imo, looked cooler than the space higgins boats. Seems like they could've at least drawn more inspiration from the former. What's odd is that it appears they are using the same space higgins boat landers in Rogue One, which means they have been around a pretty good while.
Does the book come with a sleeve?
All my Art of Marvel books had them so I assumed this book might have one, too.
My copy arrived today. No sleeve.
I love the troop landers. They have much more detail at the rear half than most notice. Nobody complains about the classic sandcrawler and it's along the same lines.


It's not the shape, it's just that they didn't really design anything. Now I don't have proof that this conversation took place, but I know it did because it's obvious in the design.

Whoever is in charge of picking art: "We need a lander. A kind of spacey Higgins boat."
Artist: "What's a Higgins boat?"
WIICOPA: "Google it."
Artist: *Googles it* "Oh okay so we'll just slap some engines on it and make it airtight. Voila, SW lander!"

I would have rather had them use the lander from the ANH:SE. It looked like it fit in.
I completely agree!!

I love the movie, but this is a fail. The ANH: SE with the same interior or something like that blasting out of the Finalizer with wings articulating would have looked cooler.

However, when Poe sees them through his macro binoculars heading for them, they look OK.

Just left me wanting something cooler.

If the conspiracy haters say Disney was just in it for the toys (like Lucas), these things sure don't prove that point. Don't think I would be too excited to run out and get that ship.
It's not the shape, it's just that they didn't really design anything. Now I don't have proof that this conversation took place, but I know it did because it's obvious in the design.

Whoever is in charge of picking art: "We need a lander. A kind of spacey Higgins boat."
Artist: "What's a Higgins boat?"
WIICOPA: "Google it."
Artist: *Googles it* "Oh okay so we'll just slap some engines on it and make it airtight. Voila, SW lander!"

I would have rather had them use the lander from the ANH:SE. It looked like it fit in.

when and where is this in ANH?
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