Holy (electric) sheep. :confused
Sorry to be the solitary voice of dissent, but while I sympathize with your initial knee-jerk reaction, I can't justify your righteous indignation. Allow me to explain: while I agree that you produced that particular design, it *was* in fact a copy of one that had been sold on eBay previously, and I doubt anybody can "own" an LAPD badge design or the copyrighted "Blade Runner 26354."
Here are examples of two that predate (not to mention directly inspired) your project:
Besides, in the current badge interest list/project thread, I unfortunately don't see anywhere in there that you're credited by its originators:
Personally, I think your badge should have at least been credited as the inspiration for the new run, but here too nobody asked your permission nor should have had to, since you "retired" the edition, to borrow a Blade Runner term.

Besides, let's get real here: Apple is only offering a desktop icon, not a real badge... And finally, who knows where the image was originally lifted from? Perhaps eBay? The photographer probably had no clue who created it and he's very likely clueless about prop replicas in general, or else he wouldn't have used an inaccurate Doppleganger PKD or a fantasy badge for those desktop icons...

For that matter, who really believes Apple got permission from Warner Brothers or The Blade Runner Group to use images of Blade Runner bootleg props? :lol Did anyone download the icon set yet? I don't have a Mac, and I'd be curious to know what else is in the set. Perhaps one of Mick Guy's replica origami chickens or a bronze opium duck? :lol
Try and think of it positively: now all Mac users who download the font will want to own a Dr. S Blade Runner badge and PKD, therefore increasing the resale value of yours (since I doubt the new run can be based on a pre-9/11 LAPD badge), and hopefully providing Rich with more C&S eBay sales.
This isn't exactly bad publicity, you know.
Just trying to put things in the proper perspective and find the silver lining...
- Gabe