Anyone make/see any TEKWAR props?


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any to show? Always wanted Jake Cardigan's pistol from the movies...made my own version as a teenager out of cardboard, but wanting something better...:)
I like the one from the comic book myself,The folding design is preety good :thumbsup
Oh crap. I might be wrong but that gun looks like a lazer-tag type gun (I forget the brand name) made in the early 90's. I used to have one, it was flourescent green. You might be able to track one down. It looks about the same, with some added greeblies and a new paint job. I'll post if I remember the name of that darn thing...
the lasertag gun in question was the ESS (Electronic Survivor Shot) made by Hasbro I think (might have been Tomy though). Linited editions are still produced in Japan but you can find them in good will type places still in the US as several of my friends collect them.

While the general shape is similar the ESS was not used for the TEKWAR gun.
the lasertag gun in question was the ESS (Electronic Survivor Shot) made by Hasbro I think (might have been Tomy though). Linited editions are still produced in Japan but you can find them in good will type places still in the US as several of my friends collect them.

While the general shape is similar the ESS was not used for the TEKWAR gun.

A little known part of the prop, rarely shown, was that the gun folded up for some inexplicable reason. The front and back slide closed over the grill part...

Man, 7 posts, no props...:(
Old topic, but new prop..?
Just got done watching the TekWar series on Hulu.
So I decided to give a prop a try :confused

Liked the little Plas Cards used on the show, so here is what I ended up with... Cool little card and two will fit together just like in the series.
Just do not use them to buy Tek!



Just doing another viewing of the whole series. Got the 4 movies watched and am now into the hour-long episodes. I like both of Jake's pulse guns. The bigger one in the first 4 movies and also the smaller gun he seems to use in the hour-long episodes.