Anyone deal with Pinkerton Studio's????


Sr Member
I was wondering if anyone had any feedback for me on this guy....

I had placed an order back in March for one of thier kits, and for 2 months, I feel I was getting the run around being the responses I was getting back from my emails... I have not heard from him since May, when he said my package will be shipping out shortly... I had wrote him 3 emails since and have received no replies....

I didn't want to bring this to the forum, but I felt I had no choice.
Allosaur - I've had dealings w/ him, and while he may take a while, he's a good guy. He's always done right by me.

What did you order BTW? His kits are cool....
I recently ordered from him too, John is a very honest and talented guy.. i have to admit i also received mine with some delay but the quality is outstanding.. he is usually extremely busy with work but it is worth the wait :)

dont worry.. he would never do wrong.. :)
Allosaur, I contacted John 2 hours ago and he wanted me to let you know he had his inbox full so he probably has not received many messages that were sent to him lately he also told me he sent you an email so i am sure you will hear or have already heard from him :)
Thanks alot for the input guys, I appreciate it.... I got a response from messaging him on Myspace, he said my package should arrive in the next couple of days....

RickDTM, I had ordered the Hessian skull kit