Anybody Know How I Could Laminate A Book So It Wouldn't Open?

Drill through the pages and screw oder glue them together, then glue the covers/ bindings.

Well, what are you trying to do in the end, create a static prop display? One book or a whole shelf?
I'd use a combination of screws and glue, personally. Screw the pages together, saturate the edges of the book with some matte medium til the pages are firmly affixed to one another, then glue the covers to the block of pages. matte medium might not be best for gluing the covers down, depending on how thick they are.
If you need a lot of static props for your project, glue/screw one book together as suggested, then make a quick mold and cast as many extra 'books' as you like, in resin, rubber or whatever, depending on the use.

Or just loan the book to my kids whilst they're eating and drinking, nay spilling, stuff. It'll soon be stuck tight with clag.
Or just loan the book to my kids whilst they're eating and drinking, nay spilling, stuff. It'll soon be stuck tight with clag.

There's got to be a way to make money with that idea... people need things stuck to other things every day! See a need, fill a need!
Depending on the finish that you're looking for, I'd think that a nice thin runny glue would do the job to seep into and between the pages of a closed book, say, watered down wood glue would combat the shiny look of slathering a lacquer to seal it all together. Clamping while it drys should do away with the 'dropped into a bath-tub' look... unless that's what you're going for. ;)
Iv'e seen them where they get old second hand books, take out the pages, put in a light foam block PVA glue that in and wrap paper to cover the foam, then get a thick brush dipped in light bown to drag over the edges to make the paper look like pages. Light ,cheap, durable.
This would probably be the easiest way to go.
You can stitch the pages together, the same way as you would when binding a book, then you'd only have to glue the cover on.