Any news on Master replicas Vader helmet?

Al May

Well-Known Member
Does any one out there have any news regarding the expected date for shipping to start on ep III vader helmet? (thats the ones that have been re quaility checked).The retailer (U.S company BIG KIDS COLLECTABLES)have had my cash since last September but will not give me a refund till master replicas ship the helmets or as they say return my money to them (ever felt like you have been bulls****d to? :angry
thats odd about bigkidscollectibles cause i had one from them on order and cancelled my order and received my cash back no problem
Originally posted by SithLord7768@Feb 17 2006, 10:02 AM
thats odd about bigkidscollectibles cause i had one from them on order and cancelled my order and received my cash back no problem
seems odd to me as well,I have heard form other pepople on r.p.f. that master replicas do not charge untill they ship,Bigkids have told me they have been charged and i cant get my money back untill they have,I e-mailed master replicas and Jerry got back to me saying i was probably right but he would have to speek to Amy (his supervisor) and get back to me,this hasn't happened yet so i cant phone bigkids and vent my frustration. :angry
I have to share the progress with you that i have had from bigkids,I was overjoyed
to receive an e-mail from big kids, that feeling soon subsided when i started reading it,To cut a long story short i have been informed that ,yes, I will receive a full refund, but at the moment Big Kids are a little short of funds,so when money from other sales builds up in their pay pal account then they can make severial payments to me (probably over severial weeks to settle the balance) WHAT A FU#@ING MICKY MOUSE COMPANY BIG KIDS COLLECTABLES ARE i would'nt treat my worst enemy like this if i owed them money,They are a power seller on ebay so it would stand to reason that surely they must have the cash for this,at the end of the day five months ago i sent them nearly $1000 and it did say in the ad a full refund will be availiable after 30 days if item does not ship, and i think i am light years past that now,All i can offer is a warning WATCH THESE FU#@CKERS,(mind you, if you were to buy something through pay pal i would get my mony back quicker so buy buy buy. :angry :angry :angry :angry :angry :angry