Any Anime/Manga Fans? 1:1 Scale Berserker Helmet


Sr Member
Here is my latest project. It is from the Berserk Japanese graphic novel/manga of Guts in the Berserker armor. This is a commissioned project of a limited number of 30.

Here is my referense--a 1/8 scale (Head Long) kit:

I'm only about half way done, now with alot of mass to shave off and still alot of detailing and smoothing and texturing to do. Any and all suggestions welcome, please.


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Here is my latest project. It is from the Berserk Japanese graphic novel/manga of Guts in the Berserker armor. This is a commissioned project of a limited number of 30.

Here is my referense--a 1/8 scale (Head Long) kit:

I'm only about half way done, now with alot of mass to shave off and still alot of detailing and smoothing and dexturing to do. Any and all suggestions welcome, please.


You've been commisioned to make this? Amazing!!!
Re: Any Anime/Manga Fans? 1:1 Scale Berserker Helmet (new updated pics)

Here are some new pics: I'm getting closer to finishing--I still have some smoothing and detailing to do and as I detail, the sculpt will be pulled in a little tighter. After that my next step will be to disassemble the two parts and cut the ear horns of to be able to reach "hard to get to" areas and then texturing.





Re: Any Anime/Manga Fans? 1:1 Scale Berserker Helmet (new updated pics)

Very nice work! Can't wait to see it finished!
Frigging awesome. IMO Berserk is the best Manga series ever, the helmet looks fantastic so far, I'll be paying close attention to future update. Thanks for posting!
New update--I finished the breast plate and base with the brand detail on the base. My next step is to spray on the texture and mold the whole thing.

Here are the next set of progress pics. Let the molding Begin!
You'll notice that the sculpture is now black. I sprayed gel coat on it to give it a rustic cast iron feel. The big drips and blobs will be sanded flat, so ignore them for now.


Here's my next set of updated pics. I'm almost done with this "brush-on" mold. All I have to do is mold the other half of these two pieces:

Oh wow, I've always loved this armor. You just got commissioned to do the helm only?

I've nearly been drooling to see someone do full fiberglass armor at the quality.
Oh wow, I've always loved this armor. You just got commissioned to do the helm only?

I've nearly been drooling to see someone do full fiberglass armor at the quality.

Who knows...?....Maybe one day....:love
Here are the next set of progress pics. Let the production begin!!! These are the first two out of the mold. One was cast using black gelcote and the other with gray (irrelevent--I could have used hot pink if I wanted). The "Z" shape and sacrifice brand on the base were cast using clear gelcote and catalyzed with a red tint. I'll be able to tighten the shapes with paint later, but they will look sweet with red LEDs behind them!

I still have alot of clean up to do to these parts (i.e. seam work, filling any air voids, and sanding to reveal the proper texture.



