Another urgent call out.


Well-Known Member
I need a foam rubber hockey puck. I STILL don't have my foam and the puck is needed for wednesday. Is there anyone out there that can make one? Or can point? I've talked to most prop shops in and around LA and Vancvouer and nothing. Well nothing in a modest price range.

Thanks in advance.
What do you need it for? They have children's blocks that are made of a dense foam. You could cut one out of that stuff. Maybe something else that's made of foam rubber that you can cut a puck out of.
Sometimes souvenir pucks are softer and lighter than official pucks. I've got half a dozen pucks. One of them from the National Hockey Museum in Toronto is quite light.
Look around at Sporting stores. I know that at Dick's and the Sports Authority they have practice pucks made out of foam. They are the same shape and size as an official puck. I have purchased them in the past when I was an assistant coach for a pee wee hockey team. We would use them to shoot on the goalie so he would get use to the puck without him worrying about the hardness. The Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto uses them in its virtual goalie. It should be no problem finding one before you need it especially the area you are in. You can check online stores like

Sorry I would try to find one for you but I am still at work. Cruddy Surf Control

Hey everyone thanks for the imput. I have a couple of those offical foam pucks. But they are still too dense. We need the puck to be able to hit an actress in the head with it... I'll maybe get some foamcore or something. Maybe that kids foam stuff. Any idea what it's called?
Try some stuff by Crayola call "model magic" - its like playdough but hardens into very light foam... maybe use the bottom of a cup as mold? I'm not even sure if they make it in black, but its easily paintable.