Another MPC Millennium Falcon Modification

Well after a break dabling in other wee projects, I decided to teturn to this one

I wasn't happy with the red areas (apart from one) so I restarted them; masking, spraying them with the body colour, applying latex for the chipping, then respraying with the red

I had to do it a couple of times because I still wasnt happy with the way it turned out,.....and to tell you the truth I still think its not the way I want it

I accidentally removed some decals whilst masking, so some will have to be replaced:







Thanks for looking
...I wasn't happy with the red areas (apart from one) so I restarted them; masking, spraying them with the body colour, applying latex for the chipping, then respraying with the tell you the truth I still think its not the way I want it...
It's easy for me to comment from my armchair way up here in the cheap seats, but in my amateur opinion the red is a bit too bright and vibrant (in comparison to the way the Falcon looks on-screen, that is). Perhaps a misting overspray with the base color to tone them down might do the trick?
this is just spot on

I had visions of doing this 20 years ago with the kit. I have some idea what it took to get here…wow!
Thanks for the comments guys, its great to get back to this

It's easy for me to comment from my armchair way up here in the cheap seats, but in my amateur opinion the red is a bit too bright and vibrant (in comparison to the way the Falcon looks on-screen, that is). Perhaps a misting overspray with the base color to tone them down might do the trick?

You're right, thats it,....gonna give that a go tonight, thanks Zombie

If you did want to tone down the red, just wash over it with green. Green is opposite on the colour wheel so in effect it neutralises the red. Too much and you'll turn it grey/brown but just a hint will knock the vibrancy down. If you are unsure you could always do it in watercolour so you could blot it off again.

This is the best Falcon I've ever seen. Truly.
Painting is one aspect of model building that scares the crap out of me. Wonderfull work!!!!, Ozzy

Yes Ozzy, too,.....I'm NEVER happy with it

That's an amazing amount of detail! Awesome job!

Thanks vividfury, Its taken a while

Superb weathering John! God how we love our Falcons!

Thanks Jake,.....but to me it looks a mess

If you did want to tone down the red, just wash over it with green. Green is opposite on the colour wheel so in effect it neutralises the red. Too much and you'll turn it grey/brown but just a hint will knock the vibrancy down. If you are unsure you could always do it in watercolour so you could blot it off again.

This is the best Falcon I've ever seen. Truly.

Thanks very,......toned down the red, you'll see in my update,.....but I'm still not happy......hate painting

Any chance you're in So Cal? The paint is stellar.

Thanks Stormy,....sorry no I'm in Northern Ireland, UK

Extraordinary. I love it. --Alex

Thanks Alex

wow, what an inspiration..... I am prepping to do an mpc build with the sidewall kit from SSM, and you are now my muse!

Ha,.....thanks,....cant wait to see what you do with it

......Well......not a lot of progress.....toned down the reds,....but I'm still not happy,.....

In the flesh, to tell you the honest truth, it really doesnt look that bad to me, but when I photographed it last night, it looks a mess,.....I was contemplating not posting these images,.....this ones the worst:








Thanks for the support guys
I think the colour is perfect! - The only think I'd say is that the panel looks a little blurred at the edges. I'd work a brush in here and there to make it sharper. - This is so minor though, feels like I'm commenting on the original prop. Wicked work :)
...Well......not a lot of progress.....toned down the reds,....but I'm still not happy,...
It sounds to me like you're your own worst critic; I'm the same way. :D I think the red panels look MUCH better! They blend in far better now instead of drawing attention to themselves. Nicely done!
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