Well, my dream of having a life-size Han in Carbonite looks like it may be a reality!
With much research, and help from guys here on the RPF, I started the build today.
My first step was trimming my "fast cast" VashDstampede full HIC casting. (That had been sitting in my garage since Clinton was in office! :eek) I used an angle grinder with an all purpose cutting blade. It went really well, just had to go slow and take my time. I wore eye and breathing protection. I trimmed about 3" from the outer edge.
Once trimmed, it now fits in my MDF top frame perfectly. The next step (with that part of the build) will be finding a way to support it from underneath and raise Han up a bit, I'll get to that tomorrow.
I also went ahead and assembled the "box" that I had cut from a local CNC shop in 5/8" MDF. The plans are floating around here on the RPF and (I guess) are the most accurate out there. The "box" has all kinds of different angles and the top and bottom are different widths. It's not just a simple box, although I wish it were...:lol
It seemed to go together pretty well, lots of wood glue and screws.
I'm in a race to get this all done before the snow flies! :cool
More updates to follow...
With much research, and help from guys here on the RPF, I started the build today.
My first step was trimming my "fast cast" VashDstampede full HIC casting. (That had been sitting in my garage since Clinton was in office! :eek) I used an angle grinder with an all purpose cutting blade. It went really well, just had to go slow and take my time. I wore eye and breathing protection. I trimmed about 3" from the outer edge.
Once trimmed, it now fits in my MDF top frame perfectly. The next step (with that part of the build) will be finding a way to support it from underneath and raise Han up a bit, I'll get to that tomorrow.
I also went ahead and assembled the "box" that I had cut from a local CNC shop in 5/8" MDF. The plans are floating around here on the RPF and (I guess) are the most accurate out there. The "box" has all kinds of different angles and the top and bottom are different widths. It's not just a simple box, although I wish it were...:lol
It seemed to go together pretty well, lots of wood glue and screws.
I'm in a race to get this all done before the snow flies! :cool
More updates to follow...