Another Gary Kurtz ESB Saber

franz bolo

Sr Member

The big ticket item is Luke Skywalker's lightsaber from Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back--not a replica, not a back-up, the lightsaber Mark Hamill held in his hand during both movies--for $185,000. But that's hardly all.


Is this the same saber from the last auction? The glass eye on an ESB saber is unique! :lol

What it is really, is sad. So what's the percentage of supposedly original SW prop items at auction that ARE what they claim to be?
I'll bet probably a third or less.
Most of the time it's not an intentional scam, the owners just really aren't educated about what it is they have and the people at the auction houses know even less at times.

Ehhh. I've got quite a few original graflexes that look just as nice, or nicer than this one. Cool that might be original, but still...just absurd prices.

The red that seems to be showing through the black paint on the grips is interesting, though.
Here's my response in regards to graflex based sabers that I posted on the MPF:

Regardless of anyone's connection to the original films, anyone who claims a naked found item such as a graflex is an original cannot do so with any certainty.
It would need to have a good number of the correct greebiles/accessories intact AS WELL AS come from someone clearly involved with the production to even begin to make a case for it being production used/made.
In the case of found part based props especially, I believe you need both.
Even then you cannot be 100% sure without a screen match.

Case in point, lets use my replica Luke ANH graflex based saber as an example. It has all the correct found piece greeblies/accessories. Even to someone who owns a true original, it would indistinguishable from the screen used piece.
If my saber (or any other that has been converted correctly) ever came to market through someone even loosely tied to the films, the unknowing buyer would have no clue, nor would they be able to authenticate it based on it's physical properties. Everything would "check out".

Found part based props especially from SW without a screen match are generally not safe bets.

original saber:

my replica:

Case in point, lets use my replica Luke ANH graflex based saber as an example. It has all the correct found piece greeblies/accessories. Even to someone who owns a true original, it would indistinguishable from the screen used piece.
If my saber (or any other that has been converted correctly) ever came to market through someone even loosely tied to the films, the unknowing buyer would have no clue, nor would they be able to authenticate it based on it's physical properties. Everything would "check out".

Nah, the grips on yours are all wrong.

;) just kidding