another Blade Runner blaster rip-off VERY GOOD!!!

Ful cast/kit. I'm not familiar with the "DoopyDoos" kit.

From what I've seen on here, if I make a kit out of my finished product, it should sell pretty well. I figure ill do a limited run, then 3-6 months later or so, ill do another run, but with different features, a more "custom design". Each time I make a run th kits will be slightly different.

Ill sell them on my business page, of course, you literally taught me how to make one so, it's only fair you get a kit free lol
Ful cast/kit. I'm not familiar with the "DoopyDoos" kit.

From what I've seen on here, if I make a kit out of my finished product, it should sell pretty well. I figure ill do a limited run, then 3-6 months later or so, ill do another run, but with different features, a more "custom design". Each time I make a run th kits will be slightly different.

Ill sell them on my business page, of course, you literally taught me how to make one so, it's only fair you get a kit free lol

You. Sir, are a true gentleman. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they turn out.:thumbsup

FYI, here's the link to DopyDoos.



And I've finished my PKD build!
Blimey! Necrothread!
I spoke to the distributor in Spain and they pretty much couldn't be arsed to fulifil an order to the UK so that was that. (if I remember correctly way back to the good old days)
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