ANH Vader chest box..think i've found the 'source item'

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Sr Member
Okay, two things contributed to this happening. One was me getting a chance to look at someone's ANH Vader chestbox. The second was my brother-in-law (a carpenter for over 15 years) walking past, doing a double take, grabbing it and saying "that's a bloody newel cap".

Now, for the uncarpenters of us a Newel cap is what goes on the end of your staircase (probably where you hook your coats - if you are british!)

So, after having a good look around, I concur that this is what they cast.
Also, you will notice they come in a sneaky 6.5" x 6.5" size in some instances.





here (comapny called imperial design!!!)

here (page 4)

Any takers?
Interesting... and that third link has something that could very easily have been the inspiration for the tusks... only scaled down a lot.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that the ANH chestbox was not made via a source item. That's all I can say. Take it for what its worth.
Thanks Gino, but you are only one voice here and you aren't backing it
up with any evidence, unlike me.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that I think your claim is complete bull unless you back it up.

What I'm saying isn't based on my personal opinion or I would state is as so. It's factual.

Like I said, take it or leave it.
"There's no real "evidence" for it but it is scientific fact"
Dr Fox
Brass-Eye:[SIZE=-1] paedogeddon!

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I didn't say there wasn't evidence, but there are reasons for not completely spilling my guts about it.
I was just trying to help prevent another incorrect myth from being started.
I'm also not trying to argue. Either take my word for it, or don't.
Gino, i think this is most interesting. They made allot of the stuff from what they found in the junkyard close to the film studio. It had wood, metal, engine, elecronic parts, so i dont think this is unlikly.

I do not understand that you can claim with 100% that it's not.
Allot of the items came from one source because it was less timeconduming to find parts and use them as they were without hireing sculptors to make something unique. This is what is so fun with the Star Wars movies because you can find a kenwood mace disc on top of Vaders reveal helmet, dental expanders, coinslots and radio antenna on th chestbox, hosetube on the belt and a flashgun as a lightsaber... I could go on with variouse parts.

I am sorry, please do not be offended, but Gino when you come with claims without backing them up, then its just your opinion.
You are usually very firm in your opinions but why dont you back them up with facts. I am sure you agree that there can be small posibilty they used this part in in the movie, unless you know otherwise. To me it sounds reasonable.. They found a part looking like this, they made a model and then cast of the part to make it in the movie. For our knowlege unless proven otherwise this could be very so that they in fact used a wood brick with glued on buttons in ANH.

To disregard it completly without backing up your claim is unecesarry.
Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother.
I guess its because I somehow think that there are still some out there who want some definitive info tossed their way, or at the very least, let them know when they are barking up the wrong tree.
It wasn't an opinion, it was a fact. Just because I'm not at liberty to explain to you just how I know it is fact doesn't change that it is.
Good luck.
If it wasn't made via a source item, then you are saying it was custom sculpted Gino?

I understand that sometimes information of this nature is only shared under strict confidences and perhaps you are not at liberty to divulge too much publically.

But are you able to confirm that, as far as you have learned, the original chestbox was a custom sculpted piece and not made from a 'real world' found item? It sounds like that's what you are saying, to me.


The way I see it, you are sharing info you are not supposed to share... and since you hold back on backing up the info, which you were not supposed to share, just makes it worse, imo, because you have already half-shared what you were not supposed to share. Which makes me wonder. Speaking about or hinting at knowledge that is not supposed to be shared is violating the trust entrusted upon you by the one who shared the info with you, but told you not to share it.

If I got info I'm not allowed to share I won't even hint at that I know it... not even to help people out, as that would violate my promise of not to share. I'll just watch people bark up the wrong tree until they find the real answer themselves. This may be a tough and pretty unscrupulous approach, but I keep true to my word.

Half-sharing is sharing, however way you put it... and if you've taken one step... why hold back with the proof?

Just my 2 cents.
I haven't violated anyone's trust by anything I've said.
I see people constantly barking up the wrong tree especially in vader and trooper threads and only selectively chime in to offer some direction.
"I'm here to help, if that help is not appreciated, best of luck gentlemen."
" barking up the wrong tree"

Gino. why on gods earth would they have wasted time
sculpting a square with bevelled edges when they are
obviously an easily found item?!!

Like, I said, my brother-in-law has fitted many of these in homes under contract. He turned the piece in his hand, squinted at it side on, ran his fingers across the bevelling and told us what it was.

When the time came to source these pieces for 'The Star Wars' I am under no doubt that whoever was sent to find pieces or shapes like this wandered around the many carpentry, plaster and general workshops at Elstree in 1976 and found, one of these things.

Considering how many films and sitcoms were filmed at Elstree it is certainly no stretch of the imagination that one of the struck staircase sets could have been reclaimed as timber (a normal proceedure) and would have found its way back into the timber store. Or worse - the rubbish.

If you bother to look at Ralph McQ's painting of vader you can clearly see a shape that is an even more exagerated
bevelled square than the one they used.

Gino, sometimes I think these evidenceless claims of yours are just to cover your own inaccuracies.
Why else would you do it?

Why take part in a hobby you can't contribute to?

It's like playing football for a team and not passing the ball!

Think about it.
Seems to make perfect sense to me. Talk about easy! Hell, you could make a vac mold for it with a chunk of wood and a router. Thanks for the idea, Hal! :thumbsup
I lean to the "not a rail cap" side of this argument for a couple reasons, rail caps are even lengths on all sides (square), and it's my understanding that the chestbox is not (rectangle). Also the caps are simply rounded over (routed on the edges) and the sides are perpendicular to the face, the chestbox sides are cut at a slight angle then rounded over.

Now I'm not saying whether it is a found item or not but just not this item.

I'm more than confident in the pieces I have because I know what they are and I know where they came from. If you had the stuff I have in front of you, you would immediately understand where I'm coming from.
I'm not trying to fight here. Just trying to help those who wanted to know the truth of things.
Again. Take it for what its worth.
I'm more than confident in the pieces I have because I know what they are and I know where they came from. If you had the stuff I have in front of you, you would immediately understand where I'm coming from.
I'm not trying to fight here. Just trying to help those who wanted to know the truth of things.
Again. Take it for what its worth.

I wouldn't invite people to measure the worth of your posts...could get dangerous and ugly.

Take it for what its worth....
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