? Aluminum dowel rod suppliers: Any recommendations?


Sr Member
I need a few pieces of aluminum, but the local machine shops only carry steel rods for machining. From what I am told, aluminum is a special order item. I need two rods about 7 inches in length and 3/4 in diameter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best case would be to find some locally. Most good machine shops should have some AL stock. Where are you located? Try metalsupermarkets.com to see if they have a local store. Some lowes, home depots, and farm supplies carry AL stock as well, but it usually is not heat treated. You can also try a metal recycler. You can also try onlinemetals.com , I have ordered from the in the past.


Good Luck
Hi mate I can machine them for you PM me, I can have them in the post tom afternoon.

7 inches in length and 3/4 in diameter. No holes?? Let me know

you may also try googling "extruded aluminum rod" there are tons of places that extrude aluminum to common sizes, without having to have someone machine the size you are looking for from larger stock...