alumilite quick set RTV question


Sr Member
So my wife bought me the starter kit as a surprise since she knew I was wanting to try casting. Anyway, when I opened the base of the RTV is looks like it separated into a clear liquid and a thicker white liquid. Is this normal? Should I just mix everything together?
So my wife bought me the starter kit as a surprise since she knew I was wanting to try casting. Anyway, when I opened the base of the RTV is looks like it separated into a clear liquid and a thicker white liquid. Is this normal? Should I just mix everything together?

More times than I can count, it's been that way when I buy it at Hobby Lobby. I've just mixed the heck out of it to recombine it all, let it sit for awhile to let the major bubbles out.. then measure out & add the catalyst like normal. It's not the best silicone mold rubber, but if you don't have to much undercut detail it should last you at at least 15 to 20 pulls.
Post how it turns out. I've looked at this stuff before and wondered. I have a 2 part that mixes together and becomes like a thin putty concistency, but it usually has a lot of micro air bubbles in it. You mix it by hand and it sets in 15-20 mins. Its good for small mundane pieces and is actually meant for woodworkers to reproduce antique trim pieces.
Yep, mix is up that silicone does separate when sitting... It's a more 'dry' silicone and as said it won't last as long as many of the others in complicated molds with undercuts... But on the flip side I find it's 'stiffness' to be a benefit for some molds...

Also one thing to note with that silicone is the in my experience the silicone leaches a yellow tint into the first few castings...
good to know. I thought maybe I had gotten an old batch that had gone bad or something