Alternative for Perma-wet on Latex?

El Duderino

Sr Member
I don't really want to spend $14 on a tiny bottle of Perma-wet for a mask, is there any other cheaper alternatives that are safe for use on Latex?
Matte medium or gloss medium sold at your art supply store... Thinned with water.. It works just fine
You can Make perma wet and it's much cheaper. it is simply casting latex mixed with water based polyurathane that you get at home depot (satin works best for me) mix it 50/50 and BAM!! you have perma wet and its much cheaper.


I just used the matte medium on some prop heads that we did for Cabin Fever 3. they got beat the hell up..but there is no cracking or compromising to the paint at all. The poly method works great too ..we tend to use that on our display pieces. As for the wood stain? as a sealer ..or just to add color? I'd use inks over prosaide ..safer and will yield the same effect if you are going for color
Any oil stains will break down latex. Stay away from that! Same reason that oil from your skin degrades it over time.
I like to use Rosco clear gloss on latex, but that's not the cheapest. If you only need a small amount, any good flexible gloss acrylic will do. Triple Thick glaze ( same gloss acrylic, but thicker) is awesome too.
Matte medium or gloss medium sold at your art supply store... Thinned with water.. It works just fine

I know that this is an old thread, bought I've got questions:

I read this thread the other day and went out a bought a bottle of matte medium.
When I opened it up, it is white/opaque.
I would expect it to be clear/transparent if it's going to be used for creating a clear finish over a painted latex mask.

I saw someone up-thread say that you could make your own Perma-Wet with liquid latex and water base urethane, so that sounds white/opaque as well. Having never seen nor used Perma-Wet before, I'm not sure what I should expect to see.

Did I buy the wrong stuff? Is there such a thing as "clear matte medium"?
If so, google ain't finding it for me.
If I bought the right stuff (Liquitex Matte Medium Artistic Acrylic), does it dry clear? What ratio should I mix it with water?

Thanks, from the newb.
I've sealed four latex masks with Liquitex Matte Medium Artist Acrylic in the past month and it works great. Although a milky white, it definitely dries clear. I mixed it with up to 25% distilled water, per the label, before running it through my airbrush.

My paint ups were all matte and I wanted to keep them that way and the Liquitex was the answer.

And just a head's up, two of my paint ups were on Frankenstein masks and I used a metallic acrylic paint on just the bolts and the Liquitex DID NOT kill their sheen.

Hope this helps someone!

Ok, so all this will be waterproof? I make Latex mermaid tails for in water use. I need something to seal in my paint and keep the water out as much as possible that will be flexible and not crack.
I would suggest Plasti-dip glossifier. It works great on latex and it comes in a spray can so it doesn't get any easier to use. You can find it in the paint section at Walmart or Lowes.
So this is how you make perma-wet? I have a small bottle that will be out soon, i am going to make this and compare the two. I will report back with my results. This sounds plausible, but it sounds like it would be much thicker than perma-wet. I'm not sure how thin the polyurathane is, but casting latex is very thick.
I had the same question as Bdizz about mermaid tails. I have a latex rubber monofin I want to paint with metallic paints, but chlorine dulls the sheen of metallic paints/fabrics etc. I'd like to be able to seal any paint I add to the latex with some kind of clear coat to protect it when and if I do swim in a chlorine pool.
Has this been attempted with the Plasti-dip Glossifier, and if so, how were the results (did it dry smooth or stay tacky, etc.)?
Any advice is much appreciated :)
Yes, Plasti-dip will crack if it is a latex mask. Especially if it moves. A great and super cheap alternative is to use Armor All. Just get a spray bottle of Armor All and apply it. I have done it with latex masks, styro-foam faux wood, & latex stash books. It works awesome.
So Did you try the 50/50 poly mixture?

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Yes, Plasti-dip will crack if it is a latex mask. Especially if it moves. A great and super cheap alternative is to use Armor All. Just get a spray bottle of Armor All and apply it. I have done it with latex masks, styro-foam faux wood, & latex stash books. It works awesome.
Did you try that poly mixture?
I am using perm-wet for the first time to seal a paint job on a latex mask. Is it ok to run through my airbrush? Will it gum it up or ruin it? Is there a way to properly clean it out after or just use the regular airbrush cleaning fluid?