Suggestion All caps?

Larry Young

Master Member
I wonder if we might have the all-caps re-enabled? Is there really a spate of SHOUTING we need to police? Being unable to all-caps a title in a thread starter or type AHAHAHAHAHA instead of ahahahahaha is really taking the squeeze out of my juice.

Also, it seems pretty arbitrary as I was able to do it in the body of this note but unable to elsewhere.
LOL.... <-Look, all caps! Actually, I don't even know where that setting is right off hand, but I will take a look and talk to the other mods about it.
..... I'm gonna love browsing the Junkyard after this. Will feel like the time we went to the bazaars in Tunisia & Egypt :lol
Alright... I found it and didn't turn it off, but bumped it a bit... so you can "mini-shout" but not post a manifesto in shout-mode. See if that works for ya.
..... I'm gonna love browsing the Junkyard after this. Will feel like the time we went to the bazaars in Tunisia & Egypt :lol

Yep, that was the reason why we implemented it, some members felt that using all caps in the thread title would make their stuff sell better, and then the complaints started... :lol
...does it WORK, though?

testing, testing...

edit; aha, I see how it works, OK. Thanks Art, I was with Larry on this. Neat!!
You get 10 capital characters before it automatically considers you to be shouting and makes them all lowercase.
i wonder if we might have the all-caps re-enabled? Is there really a spate of shouting we need to police? Being unable to all-caps a title in a thread starter or type ahahahahaha instead of ahahahahaha is really taking the squeeze out of my juice.

Also, it seems pretty arbitrary as i was able to do it in the body of this note but unable to elsewhere.

WHAT?! I CAN'T hear YOU! DO YOU HAVE a PROBLEM? :lol:lol