Aliens vs Predators III (AvP3) - Petition signature


New Member
hello guys, scouring the internet I found this website about subscriptions AVP 3, I thought I better share it with all hunters! good hunting brothers

I present them my website and look for facts about Predator, there also put a link to the hunters lair! Thank you very much Visit My Website

Description of petition​

To: 20th Century Fox film corporation and Colin & Greg Strause

signature here

As you are aware, The Alien and Predator film franchises are home to two of the most iconic movie monsters and human characters to ever grace the Science-Fiction Horror genre and rightly so both sets of movies have massive global fan followings.

While 'Alien vs. Predator'(2004) and 'Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem'(2007) were both successful at the box office, it is the opinion of many fans that the latter did a better job of representing both creatures and had better story to it which both respected the original movies and compensated for the mistakes of its predecessor. Requiem also had an R rating which meant it did not have to cut away from the gore and true fans could experience a movie of the same tones as the originals.
Despite a small budget, the creatures were taken back to their roots in 2007 where the Aliens are at last scary again (and did not shy away from killing man, woman or child) and 'The Wolf' predator (arguably the best thing about Requiem) was a true example of what can come to life when you follow in the vein of previous success!

The Brothers Strause saved the AVP franchise and would be ideal candidates to make a third installment with a futuristic space setting involving colonial marines. Given that 'Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem' was a commercial success, we the Undersigned, feel that 20th Century Fox should greenlight another AVP film in the near future and should allow the Strauses to carry on what with they started. Fox took a chance on these two first time movie directors when they signed them up to helm AVP2 and they delivered the goods we believe Fox should stick with this winning combination rather than hand our beloved franchise over to somebody else who could potentially ruin them for good!

As well as respecting the previous films and paying a number of homages to them (which is always fun for fans) the brothers also proved that they could successfully inject new ideas and vision into the Aliens and Predator onscreen Universe (without demystifying the creatures too much) with additions such as the PredAlien, new Predator weapons, a new take on Alien breeding methods and the addition of seeing the Predator homeworld.
As an added bonus The Brothers are experienced special effects artists with their very own visual effects company-Hydraulx and as was the case with Requiem could once again create visually stunning effects that would enhance a viewers experience of the feature.

Lastly the Brothers have already created a bridge between the AVP franchise and the Alien movies with their setup of humans using Predator technology for their own gain, it is only right that we get to see where they go from here…

We would greatly appreciate it if 20th Century Fox made another Alien vs. Predator film and pursued Colin and Greg Strause to direct it. In order to show our support as well as proof of the global demand for at least another film in the series along with our desire for the Brothers Strause to consider directing, we have voiced our opinion in this petition.


I for one dont think the brothers did a good job at all. AVP-R sucked, the only good thing was that we got a new predator out of the mix. the story was bad. the movie was way to dark. even though wolf was awsome they made him look like a punk. I also know and im sure im not alone, i dont want to see the predator home world. I injoy the mystery of the predator. If i was going to sign a petition it would be to keep the brothers as far away as possible from the AVP franchise. this is just my opinon and thoughts.
We would greatly appreciate it if 20th Century Fox made another Alien vs. Predator film and pursued Colin and Greg Strause to direct it. In order to show our support as well as proof of the global demand for at least another film in the series along with our desire for the Brothers Strause to consider directing, we have voiced our opinion in this petition.



Have them hire a lighting director, though.
I don't want to get into a pissing match, but regardless of bad acting and poor sfx, I have coveted and appreciated all of the Predator films. To me, Wolf was worth the poor script in AVP-R. ...and I still consider it better acting than P-2 and AVP I realize that is very subjective. My point is that I would love another film. Period. ;)
I don't want to get into a pissing match, but regardless of bad acting and poor sfx, I have coveted and appreciated all of the Predator films. To me, Wolf was worth the poor script in AVP-R. ...and I still consider it better acting than P-2 and AVP I realize that is very subjective. My point is that I would love another film. Period. ;)

I prefer quality over quantity... So hopefully another pred installment will be something to look forward to. I have zero allegiance to any particular director(s) I'm just hoping for a kickass movie. Hollywood please don't fail me.
I honestly believe that they should look to Winston studio and have them in the mix with the AVP franchise. That or the Hunters Lair. I honestly don't want to see a "space war" umpteen years in the future. The one thing I love about predators is that it happens now, in our time.
I agree 100%, leave the home-world in mystery and don't go any further then they already did.

Agreed, the only AVP i want to see is the story with Broken Tusk and Machiko. As for the Brothers directing it, no... get some better actors also sheez.
I agree 100%, leave the home-world in mystery and don't go any further then they already did.

Agreed. And as for the Strause brothers directing it, DEFINITELY NO! And someone please skin the lighting guy and hang him from a tree. Thanks...
I for one dont think the brothers did a good job at all. AVP-R sucked, the only good thing was that we got a new predator out of the mix. the story was bad. the movie was way to dark. even though wolf was awsome they made him look like a punk. I also know and im sure im not alone, i dont want to see the predator home world. I injoy the mystery of the predator. If i was going to sign a petition it would be to keep the brothers as far away as possible from the AVP franchise. this is just my opinon and thoughts.

have to agree with you my brother! I found the film very dark and the story was good but failed to imagination of directors. I think par aum good film that would be something like they did with avatar

Agreed. And as for the Strause brothers directing it, DEFINITELY NO! And someone please skin the lighting guy and hang him from a tree. Thanks...

kkkkk! very good brother! we hunt this enlightening and skinning it (kkkkk) well. why not make our own petition to the judge that some studio time for something really good? Perhaps this can be a goal for all of that cla; what you guys think?

Agreed, the only AVP i want to see is the story with Broken Tusk and Machiko. As for the Brothers directing it, no... get some better actors also sheez.
That would be cool, two bad-ass dudes kicking xeno, pred and human ass.....Machicko is a dude right? :rolleyes:
Seriously..I hope that never comes to be..Sorry Garo, Love ya, but Sorry. That would be a nightmare film
Have them hire a lighting director, though.

That wouldn't help. I'm sorry but AVP-r was a total dumpster fire, and if "Skyline" is any indication of the strause brothers current direction in their films, then I think you (general you, not you specifically lflank or the OP) may get less signatures than anticipated.
I for one dont think the brothers did a good job at all. AVP-R sucked, the only good thing was that we got a new predator out of the mix. the story was bad. the movie was way to dark. even though wolf was awsome they made him look like a punk. I also know and im sure im not alone, i dont want to see the predator home world. I injoy the mystery of the predator. If i was going to sign a petition it would be to keep the brothers as far away as possible from the AVP franchise. this is just my opinon and thoughts.


Come up with better script, better lighting, and have 2 or even 4 preds in the film. As for the homeworld, would like to see more of it, like different tribes and such.
I signed it... Not so much for the directors, hey, anyone can do one, just as long as one is made!!! My biggest complaint of AVPR is how dark it was. It was great for me to see a snippet of the homeworld, and like others have said, it would be awesome to see other tribes and such... Female Predators would be awesome to see as well!!!
I like ALL the Predator movies, regardless of which one is better, or worse... Because in the end, there's Predators in it!!! To me, that's all that matters!
ya as long as they dont flush the pred down the toilet. yes it is cool we get another pred but if the movies are just going to make them a joke then i would rather they dont and keep them bad ass.
That would be cool, two bad-ass dudes kicking xeno, pred and human ass.....Machicko is a dude right? :rolleyes:
Seriously..I hope that never comes to be..Sorry Garo, Love ya, but Sorry. That would be a nightmare film

Machiko Noguchi is the woman who survives the infestation on Ryushi in the novel AVP:prey, and ends up fighting along side "Broken Tusk" aka Dachunde, who I think's real name is Yeyinde. He bloods her and she goes to live/train with them. Dark Horse did the series in comics as well and I think she also popped up in another novel or two. I think. It's been a loooooooong time since I read either the novels or the comics though so the details are fuzzy. I was under the impression AVP was supposed to mimic a lot of that concept with Lex and Scar and the battle royale with queenie.
I will not sign. In fact, I may as well spit on this petition. Sorry to put it so harshly, but my reasons are as follows. The Strause brothers (no reason to get all poetic putting the 'brothers' at the beginning; they sure as hell don't deserve it) most certainly DID NOT "save the franchise.' They beat what was already withering away to an unrecognizable pulp whose only sole purpose after its release was to sell product.

Somehow, I actually enjoyed the first AVP film. Good enough story, and at least the director wasn't so naive that he believed darkness and excess gore was what made the original movies so great. It was also shot stylishly and creatively, adding an unseen twist to the characters, while AVP-R simply fed off the originals and tried to call it a thing of its own. In the end, I wouldn't feel confident about another cross-over flick. These characters (while beloved) work perfectly well by themselves.

Lastly, creating a third installment to this failing new series won't do it any justice even if it is a success, because the first two (at least the second) were already so... questionable. Seriously, whenever I bring up Alien or Predator, the people around me spout out "Oh, you mean AVP? Man, those sucked. Can't believe you like those things." See? The new generation is looking down at these once-brilliant films, since all they've been exposed to in this day and age is crap. This summer's new Predators movie is slowly changing that, and already the beasts we love so much are getting their INDIVIDUAL credibility back. So I say keep them seperate, and keep making only good movies, rather than pissing out garbage for the sake of a quick buck (which, for AVP-R, wasn't even worth the effort).

One more thing, a little side-note for FOX: you shat out something like Requiem, yet still managed to get Ridley Scott onboard for an Alien prequel... let the man do what he wants, with whatever budget he wants, at whatever rating he wants. Stop pushing your miraculous luck, or you'll shoot yourself in the foot -- again.

I'd post what I've just written on that petition site, but to do that, I'd have to sign. Once again, not going to happen.

P.S: Skyline was by the Strause brothers? *stifles back laughter* How these guys continue to get work is beyond me. That movie didn't even have critic reviews the week it came out (still don't know if it does at this point). Major facepalm.
Machiko Noguchi is the woman who survives the infestation on Ryushi in the novel AVP:prey, and ends up fighting along side "Broken Tusk" aka Dachunde, who I think's real name is Yeyinde. He bloods her and she goes to live/train with them. Dark Horse did the series in comics as well and I think she also popped up in another novel or two. I think. It's been a loooooooong time since I read either the novels or the comics though so the details are fuzzy. I was under the impression AVP was supposed to mimic a lot of that concept with Lex and Scar and the battle royale with queenie.

:rolleyes: I know who it /she/he is..I was just being sarcastic. :D I don’t care for the character at all, she’s far to over the top for me. I can understand the author wishing to portray a woman in a strong, leading and positive light; but damn! He tried too hard with Machiko and got in wrong. I read ‘Prey’ and yes, you’re right AVP was loosely based on the machiko and Dachunde characters. Thanks for trying to point me in the right direction concerning this and in such a civil manner too.
I signed the petition..I just want to SEE more preds. :lol: