Aliens 20 yr T-Shirt


Sr Member
I do not sell stuff. This was my entry in a t-shirt contest at the AL.
The bottom says, 1986 20 years later, still at war 2006

I am going to tweak the design, and bring a few to dragon con.
I will make the art available once it is done. I would appreciate input from non-alien fans.
Do you "get it"?

Cool design, but is the image made with that plastic/rubber cracks & peels the first time that you wash & dry it stuff?
It is an ink-jet iron on kit. After a about a year, it is time to print a new one and you have a great rag to wash the car with...
Great shirt.

I remember seeing a shirt when the movie first came out.. I was in Hawaii with my parents on vacation. This shop had a shirt in the window being displayed and for sale-- was a black shirt, with the alien Popping out of the shirt. It was in 3D.. Like a Rubber Alien coming out of the front.. was sweeeet.. but was too much $$ at the time (or so my parents thought).. Think it was like $55 or so...

wish would have got it now... and curious if anyone ever had one of these? Not sure how you would wash it....



found it.. weird.. always wondered if I was imagining it from yrs ago..

Looks like Don Post had made one as well...


<div class='quotetop'>(TK171 @ Jul 20 2006, 05:21 PM) [snapback]1284706[/snapback]</div>
Great shirt.

I remember seeing a shirt when the movie first came out..


I still have mine. I only wear it on special occasions. It gets some odd looks, but everyone loves it...