Airsoft experts... please help me out (Serenity related)


Master Member
Hey gang,

Ok... so I'm surfing the net like a madman, looking at Colt 1911's and MP5s (both K and SD5 models) and even AK's (for VERA) 'cause I'm in the mood to build me a Jayne arsenal.

The thing is I'm having a hard time deciding which ones to get. I'm never going to fire them, so splashing $250 bucks on an ICS or something seems a bit overkill. I don't care if the interior motor is plastic and breaks after ten shots.

What's really important is the weight and feel of the thing. I don't want it to feel like a thin plastic shell. I've seen the cheapo Chinese makes... "Well" and "Jing Gong"- how are their exteriors compared to say... an ICS or Marui?

Those of you out there with Great Airsoft Wisdom, please point me in the right direction. :)

(Oh, and by the way... I might have access to buying a Marui MP5 really cheap, but it's not the correct model... will different parts from the different models bolt right on... like the SD5 silencer assembly for example?)
If you want an MP5 that has a real life heft to it, take a look at the Classic Army MP5's. I handled a few for some guys who were making a short film and they were really really nice.
If you want an MP5 that has a real life heft to it, take a look at the Classic Army MP5's. I handled a few for some guys who were making a short film and they were really really nice.

The problem with Classic Army is that their MP5's, while the the best currently on the market (excellent replica, not only in weight and finish, but also the cocking handle actually moves the bolt back, revealing the hopup, which is where the bullets are supposed to come out of on the real steel version), are from $250-$320. If you go with C.A. then only get the newer B&T versions, nothing else. The previous versions sucked and lacked many features.

For a something with a pretty nice feel I would recommend a JG or Echo 1 MP5, which are excellent skirmish guns, and have some metals parts, but is not completely metal. But they do have a little bit of heft. They currently have the MP5J and MP5A4, retractable and solid stock, respectively, with a SWAT style MP5A4 with included flashlight in the foregrip. Echo 1 is essentially a rebranded JG< but with warranty when sold in the United States. JG would be one to get, since you don't care if it fires or not. The flashlighted one for preorder is $130:

I can vouch for this website, they have a storefront here in Southern California and are very professional. The other ones are seen here:

While JG has a mostly metal MP5, costing a little bit more:
ICS, CA, and Tokyo Marui all have excellent finishes. Tokyo Marui guns are made mostly plastic with some metal parts, while the other two brands are not, unless it is like that on the real gun. JG and Echo 1 guns are supposed to be Marui copies, with stronger springs, allowing for a higher FPS. They are the ones to get. Marui is facing VERY stiff competition from these clones, and the only thing left going for them is their rock solid, unquestioned reliability in terms of performance. However CA and ICS are the absolute best choices, and I would prefer CA over ICS sheerly because I have the new B&T MP5A4 w/ Tactical Foregrip Light, and its full metal construction, and working cocking handle (only MP-5 I know of that has a functional cocking handle that also moves the bolt cover back). But if you're going cheap than there really is no other MP5 that has as much metal as the JG or Echo 1 MP5's. But I can't stress how much the CA B&T MP5 or ICS/Airsoft Elite MP5's are vastly superior. They actually feel realistic! I'm sorry, but there are no other cheap choices that feel as close to the real thing as ICS or B&T CA MP5's!
For what it's worth, if you do decided to order an airsoft gun, I just received my Classic Army HK G3 today from Airsoft GI. The company seemed very professional, they packaged the items well and it arrived from CA to OK within a week.
Another voucher here for Classic Army. They make great guns, I have their M4 carbine and it's fantastic. They are full metal, and durable as hell. However....if you are never going to fire it, then I wouldn't invest the $$$.

BTW - Jayne's MP5 and MP5K are built on the older versions of those weapons. Jayne's long rifle is not an MP5 SD5, rather, it is an MP5 SD2. The difference is that the SD2 has the older style SEF lower receiver with molded finger grooves and non-ambidextrous safety. Jayne's MP5K is also based on an older model with the SEF lower.

For a good reference on buildups done with cheapie airsofts, check out Birdie's thread...
I'd also agree that CA is the "serious" way to go if your looking for feel as well as looks- the price tag is a bit steep as previously noted; I have a set of four for a film production I was on a few years back and the differences from real steel to the CA were pretty hard to spot; especially considering the camera's point of view.

Still- there's foks on the HK forum that can spot that stuff a mile away- but they're the serious H&K purists and you'd expect nothing less of them!

Now, if you're going to use it for "Brown Coat Marshalling" [sort of my take-off on "Trooping"] you could consider using a brand called "Both Elephants". Yes, they're a knock-off [of sorts], but the plastic used for this brand is fairly substantial and many of the parts can be switched out far more readily than the "really cheap" ones... As a costuem prop witht he miriad of accidental drops and bumps, it is a rather hardy plastic replica. Case in point, I've got a fellow who made an H&K SL9 sniper rifle out of one [BE brand] for paintball! Talk about abusing a rifle!

If it's to be a static display piece with the occassional handling for admiration or a guest/visitor's curiosity... Or perhaps that initial need for CQB with the cat or dog- then a Marui [for a high end look/finish] or an ICS [more the low end] will do just fine.
Thanks for the help guys. (I've already been looking at the other Firefly threads... that's kinda what got my butt in gear to finally get these underway.)

I'd really like one of those CA's, but since they are just going to be wall-hangers / occasional snuggle-toys (when I can't sleep) it's kinda hard to justify the cost... especially since I need to get a few extras like the scope mount.

I'm also seriously considering a scratch-build of Vera. I'd probably use a Denix AK47 as the base... the main body looks similar enough to a Saiga and there's so little of the gun actually showing that it should do nicely. For that project I'd probably do a lot of the bolt-on panels in ABS or styrene since the gun really doesn't seem to have any real shiny metal surfaces due to the anodizing.
Thanks for the tip. I've been kinda avoiding looking at the real cheap Colts... thinking of getting one in metal but they're always out of stock or not a correct model! Hmm... I wonder if the KWC will take a metal upgrade?

On another note- I just located a Classic Army SD2 with broken innards for about $140 locally (which is a lot less than half of what I'd have to pay to get a new one) so it looks like I'm all set for at least one gun so far! Next I think will be either the Colt or Vera... she's gonna take looooots of planning.

(If anyone knows what the wood grips on Vera are... please let me know...)

Thanks again guys.

For the Colt you could use a KWC. Very nice heavy build, with lots of metal parts & very cheap. I got mine for Jayne's gun here:
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Thanks for the tip. I've been kinda avoiding looking at the real cheap Colts... thinking of getting one in metal but they're always out of stock or not a correct model! Hmm... I wonder if the KWC will take a metal upgrade?

On another note- I just located a Classic Army SD2 with broken innards for about $140 locally (which is a lot less than half of what I'd have to pay to get a new one) so it looks like I'm all set for at least one gun so far! Next I think will be either the Colt or Vera... she's gonna take looooots of planning.

(If anyone knows what the wood grips on Vera are... please let me know...)

Thanks again guys.

Personally, I think the KWC feels and looks almost as nice as a Marui. My Marui gas Beretta 92fs has probably the same amount of plastic as the KWC Colt, which is weighted and has a metal mag & barrel.

The other problem is finding a replica with the correct rear fin and trigger. When I was searching, the KWC was the closest I found, including gas guns.
i'm really cheap about this stuff...

i used a jin lun mp5 k that i got on ebay for $30, and modified the receiver to look more like the right model...


i used an mp5 sd5 rather than the sd2, since i could get it for $30 rather than $200 (also ebay), and will be replacing the receiver with an sd2 style one eventually.

all of the cheapo airsofts i've gotten have metal weights in them to make them feel heavier. i've taken all of those out (along with all of the parts that make it fire), since i'm making these for costuming purposes, and want them both light and unmistakably toys :)

my biggest word of warning on ebay is watch the shipping! some vendors sell guns for $5 with $45 shipping. is a good place for cheap stuff.

i just picked up a colt 1911 this weekend locally. it's the first half decent airsoft i've gotten... it hurt to take it apart, but whatever.
Regarding Vera... She's not made from an AK47.
The base gun was an AK-47 format shotgun - the Saiga 12 gauge.

No airsoft version available, though, so I guess we'll have to make do for now.
As far as I know, the extra parts were custom made, though I may be wrong.
Yeah, I know... but as you said- there are no airsoft Saigas. But as far as I can tell, the only visible remaining part of the shotgun is some of the main body and that looks pretty similar to the AK, so I kinda regard that as a minor problem in the scheme of things. (At least compared to the other special-machined parts.)

My biggest issue right now is trying to find out what type of wood grips were used... they look like some kind of competition/marksmans grips.

Regarding Vera... She's not made from an AK47.
Hey gang. Got another question. Does anyone know how compatable magss are between makes of airsoft MP5's? For example... would a Marui mag work with a Classic Army? Since I've got a CA SD2... I now need to get a straight mag to build around unless I decide to cut up the curved one I have (which I'd rather not do).

I saw this... wonder if it'll work?
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Mag, not Clip! :p

Marui, ICS and CA are all intercompatible, but some mags may be slightly looser on some models... There's no real way to tell without trying, though.
The mags from the cheaper Chinese clones work OK as well.

The mag you linked to isn't an MP5 mag, therefore won't work.
Straight mags for MP5s = rocking horse poop.
Huh... that's wierd... the link above came up when I searched for "MP5". :confused

As for them being.... poop... uh... in what way? I'm never going to fire the thing or fill it with ammo- I just don't wanna go through the hassle of chopping up my curved one and building a whole new mag out of it. As long as it's straight and clicks into place... I'm happy.

Mag, not Clip! :p

Marui, ICS and CA are all intercompatible, but some mags may be slightly looser on some models... There's no real way to tell without trying, though.
The mags from the cheaper Chinese clones work OK as well.

The mag you linked to isn't an MP5 mag, therefore won't work.
Straight mags for MP5s = rocking horse poop.
I've got a real mp5k straight mag in mine. It didn't fit in my cheapo Mp5k clone, and IIRC, the Serenity MP5k straight mags are cut down anyway. I don't think you can get the straight mags for airsoft, but the real deal are fairly easy to pick up.

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