"After the Credits" Iron Man 2 ending - SPOILERS!

Since the word spoiler is in the thread's title I see nothing wrong with just saying it, but since we always have the cry babies I'll have to wrap it in a spoiler tag:
It's the Hammer of Thor
Let's hope it's better than Samuel L. Jackson turning up in Tony's house... that was pretty lame.

I'm seeing it in 160 minutes!
I hope they handle the character referenced in that clip as he was handled in the Ultimates. That's the only incarnation of him I've cared for at all. I don't like seeing my science-y heroes mixed up in the supernatural. Dr. Strange, Thor, the whole crew...meh.
Can't say I'm a big Thor guy. Rather have Cap. Although, honestly, I wasn't a big iron Man fan either until seeing the first film, which blew me away.

It'll be interesting to see how his costume is handled. It's got to be one of the dumbest and easiest to screw up. Keep your fingers crossed.
How is he different in the Ultimates universe? I only know his history from the normal comics and the old cartoon. :$

I hope they handle the character referenced in that clip as he was handled in the Ultimates. That's the only incarnation of him I've cared for at all. I don't like seeing my science-y heroes mixed up in the supernatural. Dr. Strange, Thor, the whole crew...meh.
In the ultimates universe thor is kind of a hippy activist who believes he is a norse god. Everyone thinks he's nuts until... well. You can figure it out from there.