advice for cutting eye holes in lycra suit


New Member
I got a spiderman suit made, and I am so upset with myself that I didn't pay the extra 5 dollars to have eye holes cut into it. Now I have to do it myself and I am scared of ruining the suit.

Any advice from someone who has done this, or something similar?
I got a spiderman suit made, and I am so upset with myself that I didn't pay the extra 5 dollars to have eye holes cut into it. Now I have to do it myself and I am scared of ruining the suit.

Any advice from someone who has done this, or something similar?
i used a hot soldering iron. it goes right through the suit very easily. as long as you have some lenses on the suit you'll never see the burn holes. and they wont get bigger. they stay the same.
If you have a foam head I would use that to assist you in cutting the holes and applying the lenses and frames. Are you using a face shell? If not then I would have someone help you if you've never done it before. Put the mask on and have someone mark where you nose and eyes are located with a sharpie. Cut your holes small 1st, you can always remove more later. Then position your lenses on your mask while you are still wearing it. The small viewing holes you have cut should give you enough vision to see where you want you lenses. Have your friend take a few phone photos so you can see where the lenses positioned in relation to when your eye marks are at. Once you have the position right heat up your lenses and form them to either your face or the face shield. "DON'T PUT THE HOT LENSES DIRECTLY ON YOUR SKIN!" I know your smarter than that I'm just putting that out there. Then mark the outline of the lenses on your mask using a NON Permanent marker, I use a pencil. Then glue your lenses and frames to your mask. Just something I do, if your putting your lenses directly on your mask and not using a face shell then try cutting 4 mm eva foam the same size as your frames and applying it to the inside of the mask right behind your lenses. This makes the mask more comfortable to wear. Also use an anti-fogging agent to keep from fogging up your lenses while wearing your mask. Hope this helps.
Oddly, last night my wife and I were having a similar conversation about my new Morph Suit I will be wearing under my costume. Rather than eye holes we need to put some other functionality in to the lycra suit if you get my drift.

I was considering re-enforcing the surrounding area prior to cutting in to the material. Not 100% sure exactly how yet though.
Adding on to Peek's suggestion, here's how I've done something similar:

1. Cut the eye 'frames' from 2mm foam. These are just flat pieces with the inside the shape of the finished eye hole and the outside edge forming about a 1/2" frame.
2. Put the hood/cowl/mask on inside out. Don't cut anything at this point
3. You'll need a friend for this. Use a non-bleeding pen to mark the placement of the frames. Lightly spray the frames with Super 77 and tack them in place.
4. Carefully take the piece off. If you have a head form, use it now. Carefully trim around the inside of the frame leaving enough fabric to roll to the back
5. Pull the fabric to the back and ease it around the inner edge of the frame. Glue it down to the foam in the back. Leave the excess tacked down foam for structure or peel it off and trim it away depending on your project.