Adventurebilt assistance?


Master Member
Hi guys,

I don't intend for this to be a bash thread at all, so please don't let it go there! I'm just looking for some information or maybe assistance from anyone who might be closer to Steve than I am.

The last estimate I received for my order was that it would get here before the new Indy movie opened. That was the timeline when the order was placed, and that was still Steve's best estimate last summer when I contacted him to let him know that my shipping address changed when our company moved.

Because my address changed and I know how that kind of thing can slip through the cracks, I sent a few reminder emails and asked if Steve might have a more specific shipping estimate over the last few months... A mutual friend talked to him once too - he re-delivered my new address and he was told that my order might not come until last Friday.

It didn't come Friday, or in the week since. I'm really not in a rush for the hat - I didn't intend to wear it opening day or anything. I'd just like an update on this order's possible delivery date, and mostly I'm really hoping it didn't somehow go out to that old address last week. If I could confirm that it's just coming here (maybe soon? :D ) and just hasn't been sent out yet, that would be great!

I understand that my emails likely get lost in the shuffle. I heard he got almost a thousand last weekend alone. I've also heard he had trouble with his email server recently - maybe they never got there at all! I've tried calling a couple times but there was no answer, and to be honest I'm kind of a phoneaphobe. I don't even like talking to friends and family on the phone. Again, I don't mean this to be a bashing thread at all - I'm just excited to see the hat in person and nervous that it may have gone to an address that I haven't been at for almost a year! If anyone has an in with Steve and can talk to him fairly easily, would you mind making an inquiry on my behalf?

Thanks in advance for your help! :)

- Douglas
Like with my name and address, with a ship time? I'm not a member over there - I do have a registration pending. Can anyone tell me more specifically what that post says?
Marc Kitter (of Adventurebilt Deluxe) is a member here. Why don't you try PMing him, maybe he can contact Steve for you?
I'll try sending Marc a PM now - thanks for the suggestion! If anyone else has any ideas, please let me know!

- Douglas
Hey Douglas,

last time I spoke to Steve, he was ill like a dog and could hardly read his e-mails due to that. Just keep trying.

I know this is not the answer you're looking for, but I have a very hard time catching up with my own stuff, so I simply cannot do the secretary stuff for Steve right now.

Best regards,

I checked over at COW and saw a general thread - it was mostly people waiting to buy. They were discussing some current orders too though, and it sounds almost like they think Steve is making them in order of size? That doesn't make much sense but maybe there's something to it... My head's big.

If anyone knows anything more concrete or can get in touch with Steve, please let me know! Again, I'm not in too much of a rush - I know he's busy and I'm not trying to put more pressure on him - I'd just like to know what's going on with an expensive order like this after it's past the delivery date. The added factor of my address change is making me a little extra nervous. I'm trying not to get too frustrated but there are seemingly no chinks in AB's contact armor! Thanks again for your help,

- Douglas
To save Steve's mental health he should hire someone part time to field his customer service issues. Last I heard he had 923 emails and if he is making 5 hats a day, he's making plenty for now to get that extra assistance and pressure off his back. Trust me it's money well spent.

I ordered a hat a year come June 16th and most of my emails went to his spam filter no fault of his. That's a long time wait to hear if my order went through or to find out out if changes went through. Even worse find out the order was not received. Steve is a great guy and will do his best to make your order right. I would attempt to email him from another email address if you able.


Thanks for the tip - I'll try sending one from my work email. He did get my emails from my main account in the past, but perhaps he's tightened up the spam filter since then.

I hope no one thinks I believe Steve is trying to scam me; I don't doubt that he's a good guy. We have many mutual friends and I don't know of anyone who's been unhappy with his products. As you said though, some assistance in communication might be a good investment... While there's a chance that my mail sifted though to his inbox, I'm sure that none from him have been dumped to mine. It's an expensive item - I'd have liked to think that I'd be notified if it got delayed or if it went to my old address and came back to him. One of those has definitely happened by now. If it's delayed, no problem, but let me know it's going to be late and maybe let me know when it might come around. That's all I'm looking for... And still hoping it didn't somehow get lost in the address change.

Thanks again,

- Douglas
I TRIED to ordr one in early emails did not get answered so I paypalled Steve on May 13...

I have since tried emailing several times to make sure payment was received and that I am on his list..but no replies...

I guess this is my 'Leap of Faith'. ;)
No one talks to Steve? Is anyone else in a similar situation to my own?


I'me in a similar position over here in the UK, I ordered & paid in July '07, Last I heard from Steve was back in January saying to expect the hat sometime around film opening night.

no signs as yet (and no reply to my email) but i guess he's a busy guy. The thread on the COW forum seems to say as much.
Ordered my hat from Steve on Thursday, June 28, 2007 12:53 PM...received my Indyiana Jones 4 hat end of April 2008. But all along Steve had quick responses...then finally he asked me to put in a subject line in my email :BLOCK MY HAT" with my size and style. Once I did that I received my hat 2 weeks later. Oh, and I LOVE the hat and the box it came in! So all in all less than a year....

I hear he is inundated...
Mantis, What does the new box look like? Any pics? I'd not heard of Steve using a new hat box even over at COW. He did mention that when the new price went up he might look at extras like new hat boxes and other little things but again nothing sence.

aka: Johnny Fedora at COW
They have started tracking orderes on Of the members that have posted looks like only 5 people in almost 3 weeks have received a hat. Ordered mine June 16 2007 nothing yet.
Lee, you will love it once it arrives...BTW, its not that the box was anything special...white box with with address etc...just the excitement of receving the same style box that housed the ones for the film. :cool