Adjustment Bureau, The


Sr Member
I haven't seen the film yet but love the concept and idea of the film, after watching the trailers on TV and the internet I really wanted the book used by the "adjustment team" to track and adjust peoples movements and life etc. Here are some hi-resolution screen shots of the books. I have NO photo shop or edit skills but maybe someone he has that want these props too and will share with us less talented member (ME).. Once recreated if put in to a leather notebook with curved corners with a fabric bookmark as in the picture. You should have a awesome replica..


this is why i want to get the new ipad on friday and the new Leather Moleskin cover to replicate these. I really loved the way they used those books!! great prop!
Some electrical circuit knowledge and some moleskine onionskins and it shouldn't be too difficult. That aint a regular moleskine but I can't find an exact copy in the knock offs either.

I agree they would be terrific props but it might be hard to replicate them exactly. The lines and geometry are fairly simple, but inside the geometry there are small marks and other distinguishing factors. If I had a huge shot of it flat, then I might be able to do it though. No guarantees.
I have poked around the internet. Apparently, according to the creators, they are like circuit diagrams. Perhaps if you were to take some old circuit diagrams and layer them on top of each other, you would get some semblance of what you want to achieve.
bit of a necro post but could someone do a screen grab from the bluray I'm relying on photos off my TV at the mo. Best view of what was actually in the small books before the cg guys got to them is in the room full of white ledgers at about 52:44.