adhesive question

Well, it also helps to know what the parts are going to be doing. If it's just a piece of flat metal being glued to a broad resin area, then ordinary CA glue is fine.

If the surface area of the bond is small and likley to be bumped, then I would go with an epoxy (5, 10, 20 minute).

If there is going to be torque or weight applied, I'd go with the aforementioned JB Weld.

I just found a local store here in Sweden that has JB Weld. It costs like double what the regular 2-part epoxies do. Is it really that much tougher?
I'm glueing a 4-40 blind nut to resin on my ROTJ AT-ST leg.I tried super glue but it didn't hold.I'm going with the epoxy.Thanks for all the info.
Ridiculously tougher.

Yeah, what he said. It's actually made of metal pastes, so not only does it have a stronger tensile strength, it has better heat properties.

For what DirtyDave is doing, a common epoxy is fine. Just rough up both surfaces with coarse sandpaper to give some tooth to the surface area.
