Accurate FFVII swords?


Sr Member
Hi everyone! FF7 has become sort of an obsession for me, particularly the swords wielded by the various characters throughout the compilation. As such, I am interested in owning accurate replicas of several of these swords. Would any of you know where I can get any? I'll post pics to help you see what Im talking about.

My list (so far):
Buster Sword (the Crisis Core/Advent Children version)
Cloud's First Tsurugi (The 6-in-1 sword from Advent Children)
Sephiroth's Masamune nodachi (anything but the 5-footer that tehy sell on ebay, though I could use that tsuba. I heard of a 9 foot replica, but havent seen one yet)
Genesis's longsword (looks like a cross between LOTR's Narsil and Eragon's Zar'roc)

Thanks for your help
The First Tsurugi

Dayum! :eek

You can tell a lot of work went into that. I'm guessing that's a custom job judging by the level of detail unless some Japanese company did one.

I'm a big FFVII fan myself (currently replaying the PS1 game on on my PSP :thumbsup).

Dayum! :eek

You can tell a lot of work went into that. I'm guessing that's a custom job judging by the level of detail unless some Japanese company did one.

I'm a big FFVII fan myself (currently replaying the PS1 game on on my PSP :thumbsup).


Yeah... that had to take a while. Maybe if i just knew who made it I could have them make me one.

Kara, I'll get in contact with him soon. Id love to discuss the beautiful piece he's made. Did he sell the one in the pics?
That FFVIIAC sword is sold on ebay out of China. Try searching for "Cloud sword cosplay" you should be able to find it easily enough(you are even using their pictures). Though I would say it more approximates the sword from the film.

IMHO I think you are going to have a tough time try to make the sword look "accurate" yet still be able to break down into pieces like it did in the movie. I think you could make highly accurate individual pieces or a highly accurate rendition of the combined sword, but you are going to have to sacrifice some of the perceived "accuracy" to make it break down into the component pieces.

Way back when I cosplayed as Cloud (1997-98) my buster sword was built from cardboard and duct tape over the course of a weekend. That damn thing might even still be around in my friends garage. Good times.

That FFVIIAC sword is sold on ebay out of China. Try searching for "Cloud sword cosplay" you should be able to find it easily enough(you are even using their pictures). Though I would say it more approximates the sword from the film.

IMHO I think you are going to have a tough time try to make the sword look "accurate" yet still be able to break down into pieces like it did in the movie. I think you could make highly accurate individual pieces or a highly accurate rendition of the combined sword, but you are going to have to sacrifice some of the perceived "accuracy" to make it break down into the component pieces.

Way back when I cosplayed as Cloud (1997-98) my buster sword was built from cardboard and duct tape over the course of a weekend. That damn thing might even still be around in my friends garage. Good times.


I saw that sword on ebay... and i must say HOOOOLY SHEEEEYIIIT! The price alone made me want to pass out. does ANYONE have this sword? I mean yeah, its nice (about the only good thing made in China)... but $800 with $800 shipping? no damn way.... maybe i could get a millionaire to buy it for me as a gift... but thats doubtfull lol