Accessing the forum from 2 PCs


Sr Member
I usually check the board from a different PC every or every second weekend, when going home to my parents (to wash my clothes... :$ They've got to be clean too... ;) ), so I noticed that when I mark a forum as read, all the posts are still marked as "unread/new posts" on the other PC, which is a little annoying because I have to work through many posts or threads I've already read completely.
The old board used to store the "marked as read"-info online, so when I checked at the other computer, it just marked the ones as new that were really new or with new replies...
Is this different here therefore or is that something that can be fixed? It did in fact p*ss me off a little... :)


I check the board from 3+ different computers and don't have this problem. Are you sure the unread threads aren't threads someone has replied to?
Definately sure. Tried this before I posted: I marked ALL forums als read, absolutely no new posts, and then went to my roommates PC, and all forums and threads had new posts, but I had read them all before on my own PC...
What are you running on? IE or Firefox or what? Are your PCs different IPs?

Interesting, as I also have this issue (not sure I should call it a "problem", but the old way was more convenient).
I use IE 5.5/6.0 from work. Not sure if they all have the same ips at work or not.

And FireFox 1.0.1 from home.
Strange. I upgraded to Opera 8 (from Opera 7) and now I'm having this problem as well.

Judging by my settings I shouldn't be having a problem.