A 7 year old's review of Avatar (spoilerish?)


Sr Member
I recently watched Avatar with my seven year old nephew. Honestly, I didn't think he was paying attention but it seems he might have been paying more attention than I thought.
He had to do a project for school where he gave a film review (and type it up no less) and he chose to review Avatar.
This is his review, mistakes, spoilers, spelling errors and all.

Avatar by Caleb

Once upon a time there was a man that worked for the war and his brother died. And the war asked him were his brother was he said his brother was dead and they said you will work for us he said yes and they told him what to do they said that they were going to put him in a avatar body . so they did they put him in a avatar body and he did not know how to be in a avatar body but he ran off anyways and say a girl he said hi she said hi they were already friends and the girl showed him around then he got back in the human body again. The next morning he got up took another video and then he went back in a avatar body caules the first time he got lose he was sleeping in a bed he was still sleeping in a bed and he woke up and he started learning about the things that found him. They tough him how to get a dinosaur so it can help him fly when he is starting to go off a ledge. Then he went back to back being a human. then the next day they got into a avatar body and he got into a fight with the leader and so when he went to punch the camra he the leder tuck hi out of the avatar body and punched him in the face and said are you a jurck and laied him down and he woke up went into the avatar body. the end

Alright, so it has glarring errors and omissions. Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar are HORRIBLE but for a seven year old typing up a film review, it wasn't bad AND it's kind of cute.
Enjoy :)
Are you sure Caleb didn't plagiarize that from Cameron's original treatment?


LOL well it was a simplistic story. :)
It would be funny if Cameron's treatment read like this :lol

@ Soundwave, yeah he liked it. I didn't think he was paying any attention so I was surprised with how much he remembered.
What I like about it is that it is so objective, almost like a reporter rather than a reviewer. Very impartial and serious...nice work. It seems almost like your nephew's definition of review is to repeat what happened, rather than give his opinion about it, :lol. Really cute but I think a great review for a seven year old. The run-on sentences remind me of dairies I wrote at that age, hehe.

This is cute: "and say a girl he said hi she said hi they were already friends and the girl showed him around"

Well it didn't exactly go like that...she first tried to kill him....hehe. :)
This is cute: "and say a girl he said hi she said hi they were already friends and the girl showed him around"

Well it didn't exactly go like that...she first tried to kill him....hehe. :)
I figured that part referred to when he went out into Pandora for the first time & ran into the Sigourney Weaver avatar...

OT: It is interesting to read how HE perceived the film.
I figured that part referred to when he went out into Pandora for the first time & ran into the Sigourney Weaver avatar...

OT: It is interesting to read how HE perceived the film.

Yeah I think he assumed the two were the same OR that Caleb just forgot that Jake knew, and was shown around by, Weaver's character and then went deeper with Neytiri.
Very cute. I'm glad Caleb enjoyed the film. Perhaps he'll grow up to be a journalist when he's older. :)
Yeah I think he assumed the two were the same OR that Caleb just forgot that Jake knew, and was shown around by, Weaver's character and then went deeper with Neytiri.

Could you ask Caleb for me please? I think he means Neytiri.....:lol
Yeah I'll ask him.. he probably doesn't even realize there was more than one Navi (sp?) female. :lol
This kid did a better job than the Hollywood Reporter - if he can throw in a couple of "The breathtaking effects" and "It takes you to another place" quips he can probably get a job at Rolling Stone or Variety
honestly, I think he was rushing at that point and crammed it all in there. I think his last little bit was (more or less) the ending.
"the leder tuck hi out of the avatar body and punched him in the face and said are you a jurck and laied him down and he woke up went into the avatar body."
While Quaritch (sp?) technically knocked him back into reality a couple of times, i took this bit to be referring to the ending. Especially the bit about "he woke up went into the avatar body. the end" now I might have misinterpreted, but I don't know. He should be over here soon so I'll ask when he arrives.
Oh , that makes sense now. I guess I was expecting a description of a big battle and the robot suit.

But I now have a new spelling for "jurck"! It seems more appropriate somehow.
Interesting review although the end is a bit confusing. It kind of reminds me of "kitty got wet" from U2! Turns out Nolan North's son came up with the line while they were playing Wii sports!
This kid did a better job than the Hollywood Reporter - if he can throw in a couple of "The breathtaking effects" and "It takes you to another place" quips he can probably get a job at Rolling Stone or Variety

Don't forget something about it being "a roller coaster thrill ride".

Very cute review. Put that kid on YouTube.