$60 Vader Lightsaber using SOL flashgun


Active Member
Finished this one up with a couple of weeks to go before my cousin's birthday - this is going to be the gift:







It's a SOL flashgun generously given to me at the Irvine RPF party last month, combined with grips and nozzle from a $50 Ebay Master Replicas Vader hilt.

The end cap was missing on both the flash and the MR hilt so I made one from a Ray-o-vac sportsman flashlight I had lying around.

The Ebay seller of the MR hilt also threw in a wrap-around metal clamp which is one piece instead of the multi-piece plastic MR version.

All in all, the proportions aren't exact but the overall package certainly looks the part and my cousin will flip over it.

I never get tired of seeing fan-made sabers. Nice job, and thanks for sharing the pics. :thumbsup
cerazy! Most impressed. Love the idea of custom sabers. When I started mine I told my missus that it was Reijo Swaro's lightsaber (which is my star wars name, you know, where you make your name from the first three letters of your second name, the first two letters of your second name.......) her not being a star wars fan asked if he was a good Jedi.
"Sweetie"I said "He's the greatest........":lol
Your cousin is gonna be blown away :thumbsup