3d scanned Han in Carbonite


Sr Member
Check out what I scanned yesterday.





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It's about 7 million points right now. it still needs to be polygonized
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Sweet! :thumbsup. Can't wait to see further progress.

Yeah, that's scanning a lot quicker and a lot better than what I could do. Very nice.
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That's just one machine too. I have access to a bunch.
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I seriously hope this isn't for some sort pepakura project...that would just be mean.... It takes me forever to make something simple let alone something that big and detailed...lol
How did you get access to the faro scanner arm and program? Did you rent it or does it belong to someone you know? I tried to look at the sites page. It's more like an advertisement to call them vs solid info on pricing and leasing options.

What about the end scan? Does the program fuse all the patches into a single object with fairly clean topology work?

Or does this step still require manual re-topology and shape projection methods with programs like topogun for the retopo work and zbrush for the morph target/morph brush transfer work to move the details and shapes from the scan mesh object to the new retopo'd mesh?
Awesome scan!

Why, oh why, oh why hasn't a Lucasfilm licensee done this??? (Obviously, I know that Illusive Originals molded the real prop which is very cool) but I'm talking about Gentle Giant or Sideshow. All of their HIC's have been hand sculpted and just don't look accurate enough. All they needed to do was scan the original prop and we could have accurate miniatures of it at any scale (1:6 / 1:4 / 1:3 etc).
Can't wait to see the progress on this! Are you going to scan the frame when you've constructed it? What about the volvo panels?

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I just have access and leave it at that. Belongs to a friend. The end scan to final file is automated. I may have to 3d print it in pieces because of polygon count max limitations. Anyone who wants to come to baltimore... I can scan and print your face for You in Carbonite too.

No point to scan the box since I jused your dimensions cking to make my model to print out. Scanning the print wojld just give me back my 3d model I used to create the print.
I'm scanning the volvo panel next week

Side note: modeling the scout nose piece from photos I can do by hand with cad and print those, butb id need accurate pics.
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