21 Jump Street

Looks awful.

Though I personally am looking forward to that scene at the end of the movie. the one where the tough-as-nails segeant comes to the two guys, hat in hand, to congratulate them on their awesome/reightous bust, and offer them their old jobs back... and with promotions! However, since they learned so much during the course of their time on jump street (and a little about themselves too) they decline, insisting that they want to stay in a place where they can do the most good: down on jump street. Applause. Roll end credits over crane shot as they walk away cracking wise.

SOMEONE try to convince me that this scene WON'T be in the movie. :lol
It's not a classic as much as a lot of other TV, but yeah... it's still a lower rung classic. Without 21 Jump Street, Johnny Depp might not be the star he is today. There was plenty of decent episodes on par with The A Team, Knight Rider and the like... just not the cult-ish, testosterone following.

This movie looks terrible.

Yes, That what I was trying to say. I used to watch it with my mom all the time. While I have gone over the show recently It is still very watchable. It does not keep my attention like Supernatural or Burn notice, I think it was good for it's time. Though with all the remakes I just pray they leave Airwolf and Night Court alone.
Yeah? Well, as an attorney in Philadelphia, the cradle of liberty, you're not exactly the target audience. :lol

If Jump Street opens on 3500 screens, it's a 30-32 mil+ opening weekend. 2500? 20 mil.

Oh, I know I'm not the target audience. I enjoy some other films, but a lot of the Will Ferrel comedies just fall flat for me. I think they tend to improve as you quote them to your friends...but my friends don't quote them that often (we hew more towards Super Troopers).
Just saw the commercial for this today and it looks horrible. How did they take a cop show and turn it into a comedy featuring 2 idiots trying to be cops? It looks like a Police Academy to me and will someone inform the two main actors that they're not funny in anything they've made? Depp must have signed on out of the fact it's an easy paycheck.
Why don't they ever bring back or remake good shows, like 'BJ and the Bear.' Now there's a concept I can't get enough of, a man and his monkey.
-Brodie MallRats
This looks nightmarish. Am I the only one who thinks Jonah Hill looks like he's 40 in this movie? How the hell am I supposed to believe he could pass for a high school student when he looks older than half my teachers did!
This movie is been getting so much good buzz past few days, I wonder how many will actually decide to give it a shot and conclude to be surprised.
My two cents-Went to see it this weekend as a joke and enjoyed the hell out of it. I never saw the series as it looked like crap then and I had other interests, but this movie was fun. Predictable at times, but still enough surprises to make it worth while. I did not know JD was in it until he showed up-thought it was a neat touch. According to my wife, who did watch the show, several other actors from the original series made cameos.

To me it was worth the cash.

I saw it the other day. I enjoyed it. It wasn't a perfect movie by any means. What it did get, was it poked fun at itself, several times. I did like the cameos and was surprised and mildly delighted by a couple.
My two cents-Went to see it this weekend as a joke and enjoyed the hell out of it. I never saw the series as it looked like crap then and I had other interests, but this movie was fun. Predictable at times, but still enough surprises to make it worth while. I did not know JD was in it until he showed up-thought it was a neat touch. According to my wife, who did watch the show, several other actors from the original series made cameos.

To me it was worth the cash.

Well, I wish that bit was hidden as a spoiler.

I'm probably going to see this tonight (as there's nothing else worth seeing close to me) and I would've liked to have been surprised by that bit.

The reviews I've heard have been that it's better than it looks. I have a strong distaste for Channing Tatum... but an urge to see a new movie tonight.
What age would a person have to be to see this? How bad is the violence and swearing and all of that? I've heard 15 and up is okay, How is it really?
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