'2001' models etc.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, i just joined up with this forum, and saw alot of neat and fascinating things.
I'm not sure what to do from here, except start a thread or reply to a thread i find interesting!?!
Well, the easiest way to introduce myself is send you to my website:
Some of you may know me; some may not, but on this site, i'm hoping you will all find some cool pictures and my creations that were extensively researched - mostly from 2001: A space odyssey.

Enjoy! i look forward to some feedback..

Wow nice kits man I'll be sure to grab an Aries b kit just as soon as I get some dosh. I just bought a ten foot discovery so I'm broke for a few weeks. Also looking at getting a two foot Orion so you have some nice pieces to finish the 2001 kit collection. Very nice work indeed. Oh and welcome.